Chapter 11

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Quick A/N: I am sooooo incredibly sorry for not updating in months. I've just been super busy with school but now schools out so I'll be updating a lot more. ALSO YOU ALL ARE AMAZING!!! Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments. They truly make my day. Thank you for being so patient. So let's start the chapter! Hope you enjoy!! ALSO I HAVE MADE A CHANGE IN CHAPTER NINE SO PLEASE REREAD THAT!!! THANKS!!

Alessandra pov
The next few days went by in a blur. Today was our first day of school. I'm actually really nervous but hey at least Derek will be here. Speaking of Derek, he is so amazing and incredibly sweet. I've opened up to him a lot about my family and my past. We've grown even closer. I think I may be falling in love with him. As Talia is driving is to school, she explains the classes and the teachers. " If you get angry, get out immediately. Go into the woods and contact me or Derek. Okay?" I nod my head. We pull up into the school parking lot. We all pile out of the car. Talia says her goodbyes and leaves. "Ready? " Derek asks. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess. " He smiles and holds my hand. We start walking into the school. This should be interesting. We go to the office and get all my papers. "Mum made it where we have all the same classes. That way if we need to calm down, we're there for each other." I smile and say "Well I think that I might definitely need that." He laughs and pulls me to the classroom. Here we go.
*5 hours later*
Allesandras pov
" I SWEAR IF I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ANOTHER CLASS WITH THAT GIRL, I'M GONNA KILL HER!" I yell, slamming down my tray. Derek gives me a weird look and asks who I'm talking about. "That whiney one.... um WHITNEY! That's her name, Whitney. " (I mean no offense to those of you named Whitney. I just chose that name.) Derek laughs and pats my shoulder when I sit down. " I know her, we don't get along the best either. She hits on me everyday. Ugh." I growl under my breath. " I hate that b*tch. I really do. First day and I've already found someone I hate." He pulls me into a side hug. " It'll be fine. We only have 3 more classes and the last one we can skip, since it's free hour." "THANK THE LORD!" I yell, throwing my hands up. I get weird looks from the kids in the Cafeteria. I return them with glares.
*After lunch and the other classes*
"THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!! I HAVE THE REST OF MY CLASSES WITH HER!!!OOOOOOO!!" I scream with anger, my face red. Derek stops, pulling me into hug, calming me down. "Thank you... that could have ended badly. " He nods and we walk home holding hands. I really do think I'm falling in love with this boy.
Soooo how was it? Yeah not very good. Sorry!! Comment your thoughts!! OKAY BYYYEEEE! LOVE YOU GUYS!!

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