One surprising mission...

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You would've never thought this story would have ended the way it did huh?

You wouldn't have known the heart attack you would get once you read more...

Things aren't what they seem...

People aren't who they act...

Therefore, your in for one emotional ride.

Delirious POV~

2 years later--

I can't believe this is happening right now...

This has to be a nightmare r-right?

I thought we were safe...

oh god, E-Evan...P-Please...

I love you..

Don't go..

take me with you at least!

"E-Evan?" I couldn't help but whimper. Who would've thought we would go through something like this again hu?

"J-Jon..?" I cracked a sad smile seeing him weakly open his beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey, Beautiful..." His hand was warm...I loved having his soft hands in mine. They fit just like a puzzle! It's such a shame though, this will be a broken puzzle.

"Oh, Jon...Don't cry.." I could never understand how in the world he could lay here, in this awful pool of blood...his blood. You see, what happened was that I just happened to walk into this the middle of god knows what forest. I walked in and what I saw made me want to disappear along with the wind. He was laying there, unconscious. Worst part was, the rest of the crew was here...dead. They were all brutally murdered, all of them except Evan.

"H-How? I can't...Your dying..." It took me quite a while to wake him up...from what felt like a century, was really a few minutes till he woke up. "The guys....They're dead...gone...don't leave me" I begged him to please stay alive, at least for me.

"Hey...hey, I love you okay?"

"What?! P-please, s-stay...I love you too..."

"Just remember something..." He coughed, blood came out of his mouth and he slowly started closing his eyes.

"Hey...s-stay awake"

"The person w-who did this.." He wants to tell me who did this...I will get revenge for you, for them.


"Was You"

"DELIRIOUS!!" I shot up bumping my head on someone's head. I groaned opening my eyes to see Vanoss rubbing his head. Just seeing him, here in front of me, gave me enough strength to get my ass up and bring him down on the bed with me.

"Your here...your here.." I sighed hiding my face on the crook of his neck, hm..he always smelt nice.

"Same nightmare, Babe?" He giggled squirming beneath me. I've been blowing raspberries on his neck for the past few seconds.

"Yeah, same fucked up nightmare." I chuckled pulling away from his neck to study his features. Beautiful bright brown eyes, his kissable lips, his smile...his fucking muscles.

"Hey Fuckboys! Time for some PUNCAKES BITCHES!" Tyler ran in and hopped on our bed. While we were laying there he decided That he should start jumping on the bed.

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