Saving Vanoss

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What's your plan now, Squeaky?


"Okay, so this is What's going to happen," Lui started off as soon as we made it back into Evan's planning room. When we all decided we wanted to become heros and stop crime from becoming to dangerous here in Los Santos , we chose to have our planning room inside of Vanoss' house because he was leader. "We're going to have to find Vanoss."

I could really tell Lui was blaming himself for the injury and kidnapping of our chosen leader. You see, Vanoss didn't just become leader. We chose him to be leader because he watched out for us, he cared for us like a true leader would, he would do anything to make sure none of us were injured...even if it meant taking a bullet for us.

"What's your plan, Squeaky?" Droid knows exactly how Lui feels. We all do because it's written in his face, not literally, but the look of guilt washed over his face. As fast as this emotion came it was gone and replaced by a look of concentration as well as determination.

"To save and get our leader home back safely, we have to track down his earpiece." We watched him turn around looking at the board. "Mini, Can you track down his earpiece?"

"I can, but what if his ear piece fell out and we end up getting lost in the middle of nowhere?" He had a point. So many things could have gone wrong with his earpiece. It could have fell off, someone could have picked it up, it could be broken or maybe those freaks that go by the name 'The Insane Men' probably destroyed it already??

"The only hope we have is on that earpiece, we have to at least try and go with it." As dangerous as this sounds, it is the only hope we have at finding our friend, I will cling on that last piece of hope.

"Evan was bleeding right?" We all turned our heads towards the voice that spoke up, Nogla. It hit us like a fucking huge banana bus (heheh i'm dumb) that Evan was in fact bleeding. Could this mean that they could have left a trail of his blood that could lead us towards them?

"Yes, but even if he was...he was carried by one of them." We all sighed still just clinging onto the hope for the earpiece.

"Which means he could have been bleeding all over their clothes and not the ground."Moo ran his hands through his hair. At this point we were all completely exhausted and disappointed. I looked over to one of ours members, who seemed to be thinking of something. He has been really quiet since shot. I think he may be thinking of something...but what? so I asked him.

"Terroriser? What are you thinking?" I made sure to pay close attention to his movements and the level of concentration on his face.

"Does...Does anyone else feel like the bad guys seem familiar?" Not really, I didn't get a good look at them. "N-never mind"Did he just...stutter? Brian, never stutters and when he does..its usually something serious.

"No, but let's get started. The sooner we track this down, the sooner we get our best friend back."Lui looked over to Mini and nodded his head, signaling for him to do his thing.

(Is Brian Remembering something?? OOOOOOH, Who knows...except me xD)


"What's going on?" I asked feeling a slight wave of dizziness wash over me. I tried Shaking it off as I looked at the man standing in front of me.

"What's going on?..."He chuckled looking me straight in the eye, at least I thought so. "I'll tell you what's going on, you and your friends don't seem to remember us.." What does that even mean? Who is us? I'm so confused.

"W-Who is us?" This is all too much for me. This is so confusing, so...annoying. It's annoying because I don't understand why he's using this malicious tone, I don't understand why I'm here, this isn't even the forest anymore. I'm somewhere...Wait, why am I at the carnival we went to a week ago.?

"Wake up......wake up.......wake....UP.!"

I bolted up, breathing heavily while trying to regain my breathing. My throat was sore, my body was sore and I definitely can't talk as of right now, if I tried I would sound like a dying cat. I looked around, all around, just to get an idea of where I was. But I didn't seem to recognize any of it. I have no idea where I am, I have no idea why I'm not freaking Ou- oh.

"I see your awake." A guy with a red mask spoke up. I tilted my head studying this...mask. It's right eye wasn't even an eye it was just and 'X' while the other well, the other was an eye. I looked behind him since I heard someone moving and I saw him.

"Delirious?" I was surprised that my voice sounded a bit better and it didn't hurt anyone's ears, but I was mostly surprised because he was here. He was one of the 'Insane Men'. He really does have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen...but I would never tell him that. No, he would probably try to kill me or something...Would he? I would like to think that he won't. It seemed like As I said his name he froze on the spot, just like his friend.

"W-What?" He sounded so confused, so surprised and I can't lie when I say he sounds so cute. Damn it, what are you doing to me Delirious? I studied them both. One was taller than the other...One was trying to figure me out. It was the one I couldn't seem to remember but I knew he was apart of something.

"Do you....remember us.?"The other asked but I could only frown genuinely feeling sorry for him.

"I remember Delirious....But I can't seem to remember you."I sighed frustrated. I knew there was something else I was forgetting, turns out it was a someone. "I'm really sorry, but....What were you doing at the bank Delirious?"

"None of your business." I have to admit, that stung me a little, it hurt me and all I could do was frown. I guess I was supposed to expect that. He is one of the 'Insane men'.

I'll just have to figure you both out.

Finally.! I updated, Jesus. *Laughs* Anyway, Enjoy Guys.!!


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