Chapter 1: First Day of School

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In the Present

Kirsten’s POV

At exactly 6:45 am my alarm rang awaking me from my deep sleep. “Aw shit.” I thought. “Today’s the first day of school-which means I have to see Thomas Coles again. Great!” (Note my sarcasm there) I threw my blankets and sheets off of me as I stretched and got out of bed. I rubbed my tired eyes and walked over to my bathroom and stepped into the shower.

As I was taking a shower I thought about Thomas. No not in that way but more like what prank should I do this year… Let’s see our whole rivalry started in Kindergarten when me, the new kid, moved down the street from him. He came and brought cookies for my family and the first thing he told me was that my doll was stupid. In response to this I kicked his shin. Then he snatched my doll and threw it in the trash while I chased him down. Then I slipped in that puddle, getting mud and grass all over my brand new dress telling Thomas I hated him. What followed that eventful afternoon was a long going battle of pranks. I was currently winning by two when I painted his precious motorcycle pink and the other prank had something to do with his phone…but anyway, I was winning now but knowing Thomas meant that something horrific was waiting for me as soon as I set foot on campus. The good thing was that since I was a junior and he was a senior we didn’t have lockers in the same hallway so I wouldn’t see him then but with Thomas rules were seen more or less as guidelines.

Thomas lives down the street from me along with the other two womanizers in our school. Technically the whole soccer team were womanizers but the “Godly Three” were the biggest players of all time- Julian Montgomery, Ryan Smith, and Thomas Coles. They say their motto is fuck and dump and girls still cry their little hearts out when they take their V card and leave. So far me and my friends have successfully stayed away from these players but I know they are going to try extra hard this year because they are graduating.

I dried off my body and put on my outfit I planned yesterday-shorts with the pockets hanging out, a white Beatles tank, and my brand new pair of red vans. I blow dried my hair,  put on some mascara and eyeliner, grabbed my backpack and then headed downstairs to grab some breakfast before my friends came to pick me up.

“Are you ready for your first day of school Kirsten?” My mom asked as I walked into the kitchen. I started to say "No-" but was cut off as my ride beeped signaling its arrival.

“Bye Dad! Love you!” I called out as I pecked my mom on the cheek.

I heard my father’s faint “Have a good day!” as I slammed the front door shut. I opened the backseat and got in. I was quickly pulled into a hug from my friend Clare who was in France the whole summer modeling. 

I have three super good friends whom I have all known since kindergarten. Clare Compton and I are complete opposites. While I play sports and absolutely hate dresses she HATES sports and lives in dresses. The only thing she likes about sports, are the boys involved. Clare is a model and has been going out with her boyfriend Kyle Scout since freshmen year. Then there’s Mikaela who is also drop dead gorgeous but for some reason is super shy around guys. We play on our school’s varsity soccer team and we are on the same club team year round. She plays goalie and I play striker- meaning I score the goals and she saves the goals. And last but not least there is my best friend in the entire world- Olivia Turner. A lot of people say that we could be sisters- and they are right. We kind of look similar with our dark brown hair and brown eyes but she also plays soccer with me and Mikaela. We look, act, and even dress the same sometimes! But the one thing is that we both have a mutual dislike of Thomas and his goons.

“So Kirsten, have you decided what prank you’re going to play on Thomas this week?” This question comes from Olivia. “No. I already painted his bike pink and did something with his phone. I’m thinking of setting his bike on fire but then I’d be arrested for arson.” I replied. “Well you could always-“I cut off Clare by saying “No Clare I know what you were about to say and I wouldn’t do that if we were the only human beings on the planet!” She was under this crazy impression that I should turn the tables on Thomas- which means I should try to break his heart. Double EW!!

Clare finally pulls into the school parking lot and guess where the only empty space is? If you guessed where Thomas and his gang are hanging around his bike then you guessed correctly!

They stopped joking and laughing as soon as we pulled in. As we got out of the car Thomas looked at and whistled “Kirsten looking sexy as always.” He smirked.

I returned the smirk and said “Don’t you have hoes to bang Coles?”

He just laughed and said “My next appointments not ‘till 2nd period…which means I some free time if you’re interested.”

I gagged and said “Umm how about never.”

He put his hand over his heart and feigned hurt. “That really hurt Shepards.”

I rolled my eyes at his response “Boo hoo. Get over asshole.” I stomped into the school with my friends following suit. This year was going to be different. I could already feel it.


So how do you guys think of it so far??

Read on,

sarah <3

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