Chapter 3: The First Lesson

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Kirsten POV

I opened the front door to see a smirking Thomas on the threshold. “Come in so we can get this over with.” I grumbled

He just smirked and said “Ok, let’s get this show on the road shall we.” Then he walked into my house going immediately to the stairs. He looked back at me and said “Well aren’t you coming, Nerd?”

I huffed and shut the door. Then I followed him upstairs to my room. He walked in and glared at my poster of a shirtless Channing Tatum.

“I am definitely better looking than that guy. Why do all the girls think he’s so hot, huh?”

I glared at him to shut up. “Let’s just get this over buttcrack, so I can get back to reading my book.”

“Ooh someone’s a little eager there, Shepards. I think that you really do want me.” He sat on my bed and patted the spot next to him signaling me to join him. I sat down next to him then looked at him expectantly.

He gave me a serious look before leaning in and kissing me. My natural instinct however was to punch him in the balls so the kiss only lasted for a second. He fell back on the bed while clutching his privates.

“I’m sorry Coles but this is going to be a lot harder than we thought.” I told him as I tried to keep myself from laughing.

He groaned then sat up again. “It’s ok. This time don’t punch me just go with the flow. Oh and close your eyes” He instructed. I nodded mutely and watched in horror as his lips drew nearer to mine. I squeezed my eyes shut as his lips met mine.

I really didn’t want to admit but he was a really good kisser. After a few seconds of me sitting stiffly beside him he pulled apart and said “Shepards, if we are really going to do this then you have to kiss me back, and put your arms around me for fucks sake!”

“Fine.” I huffed as I placed my hands on his shoulders. His eyes grew dark as he said “Much better. Third times the charm, right?” He said this barely above a whisper as his lips descended upon mine for the third time.

As we moved our lips in sync his tongue licked my bottom lip. I knew what he was asking but the truth was that I had only had one serious boyfriend before and we only made out once before I walked in on him having sex with the slut of our school-Julia Mullon. So this was new to me.

His tongue brushed my bottom lip again and then pried my lips open. I gasped and his tongue slipped into my mouth. He tasted like starbursts and coffee. His tongue slowly rubbed mine while his hands came up to tangle in my hair. I snake my arms around his neck and press myself harder against him. His stomach is toned and firm against my own.

He brushes against my tongue again and then leads mine into his mouth. He urges me with his tongue to explore his mouth like he did with me. I comply and sweep my tongue across his and to his cheek. By now my cheeks are turning pink. Just so you know-I rarely blush. (Partly because I’m such a tomboy.)

All of a sudden I feel his hand groping my right boob. I gasp and push him away. “WHAT THE HELL THOMAS?!”

He looks at me and then chuckles “That was pretty good, Nerd. I thought you would have small boobs but they feel more like a C?”

I don’t blush at his statement and I boldly say “Yeah I’m a C. So what? They get in the way when I play soccer.”

He laughs at my response and says “They won’t get in the way with us so….”

I glare at his statement. “Alright Thomas I think we’re done here.”

He nods and gets up from my bed. He goes to leave but turns around and says “Our next lesson will take place at my house on Saturday; probably after 10 pm because I have a soccer tournament.”

“So do I dipshit!” I interrupt

He chuckles and says “Well see you later, Nerd. Or should I call you C from now on?”

I hurl my Algebra 2 textbook at him but he quickly shuts the door before it hits him.

I really want to go to bed now but I have to go start dinner for me and my parents.

As I am getting the lasagna out of the oven my parents walk in an hour earlier than usual.

“Hey honey how was your first day? Oh and we came home early because we got let off early. Martha thought we should spend some more time with our daughter on her first day of school” My mom greets me with a hug and a peck on the cheek while setting her purse on the counter. Martha is my mom’s boss. My mom works in the labor ward, aka the pregnancy ward, and my dad is a surgeon.

“It was hectic.” Yeah that was a perfect way to describe my day-another would be unexpected. The only thing I have to look forward to is the Barcelona VS Real Madrid game on Friday. Barcelona is going to kick Real Madrid’s ass!

Just as I am thinking this my dad says “Well, so we are having company over on Friday night. Tom is new to our ward so your mom and I decided to invite them over when Barce plays Real Madrid. They are also Barce fans and they have a son that’s around your age. I think his name is Julian or something.”

I just nod and get out the plates and set the table. “Time for dinner!”


Yeah so Julian is the son’s name? Is there any chance it could be Julian Montgomery? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm……..And next chapter will be her first soccer practice and game night with Julian………vote, comment, and please spread my story!!

Read on and go Barcelona!

Sarah <3

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