Chapter 2: The Proposition

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Kirsten’s POV

As I walked to my locker before lunch I thought about my classes. I had all of my morning classes with Thomas and two of them with all three of the goons. Julian and I are already lab partners in Chemistry and Thomas and I are project partners for English. Thank god he sits on the other side of the room for Algebra two! Could my day get any worse!

The answer to that was yes. When I shut my locker and turned around to go the cafeteria Thomas was waiting for me.

“I need to talk to you.” He said.

“Fine but make it quick.”

“No we can’t talk here.” He rolled his eyes then grabbed my arm forcing me to follow him.

“Where are you taking me?!?”

My question was answered when he walked up to a janitors closet, looked around and the realizing no one else was in the hallway pulled me into it and shut the door.

“Ok.” He took a deep breath and then began his speech. “I know that we hate each other-“

“No shit Sherlock.”  I said sarcastically.

He glared at me for interrupting and then continued.

“Anyways, we hate each other, so you are the perfect solution to my problem. You see I want to get the hottest girl in bed by the end of the year but the only thing is I need more skills. And that’s where you come in.”

“THOMAS COLES IF YOU THINK FOR ONE MINUTE THAT I WOULD HAVE SEX WITH YOU, YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN!” I screamed this at him and made a move to leave but he grabs my arm.

“No you dumbass! Not sex just other things along that line. I just need skills to get good at sex.” He quickly explains. “I mean think about it. We both hate each other so there’s no way that either of us could get jealous, or start having feelings for each other. And we’ll both get the experience we need for high school to prepare us for the college party life.”  

I just look at him. I choke out “Are you serious? College party life? I’m pretty sure you have all the experience you need? And why would I let you stick your tongue down my throat? Why would you even sugge-“

He interrupts my rant “Come on Kirsten neither of us have anything to lose so why not? And you would be sticking your tongue down my throat too, Nerd.”

I glare at him. I mean he does have a point. None of my friends would suspect anything and I do need skills if I’m going to get Zachary Goodwin to notice me. You see Zachary is a walking Adonis. He’s perfectly muscled; he’s tall, blond and blue eyed. But the keeper is that he also plays soccer! As I mull this over I let the words tumble from my mouth.

“Fine. We can do this but let set some guidelines. First; there will be no sex. Second; no one can know and lastly; no jealousy, no strings attached, and no snarky comments to let people know what our “situation” is.” I hold out my hand for him to shake.

He nods and sticks out his hand. “Sounds good but let’s change the name to Enemies with benefits.”

We shake on it.

After the event in the closet I head over to the cafeteria. My friends are sitting, waiting for me where we usually sit. However, when I get there I see that two people decided to make an appearance-with the third one coming. Yep, Julian and Ryan are currently flirting with Mikaela and Olivia.

As I sit down the third one-Thomas- comes and sits down next to me. By now the whole cafeteria is staring at my table. Some girls giving us death stares, others look of admirations, but most are looks of amusement.

“Excuse me ass faces but I believe that you’re either lost or blind because this is obviously not your table and you’re clearly not wanted. Please leave.” I say this giving each of the ass holes a glare.

They all chuckle in response and then Julian says “Hey no need to get bitchy there Shepards. We were just talking and besides it doesn’t look like your friends mind.”

My friends blush at his statement and then Ryan pipes up by saying “Yeah in fact it would even seem like your friends are flirting back.”

My friends turn even redder. Olivia then says “Just go away. I’ll talk to you later Ryan.”

“Yeah, same to you Julian.” This comes from Mikaela.

I give both of my friends looks of disbelief but then I think “Well Miss. Nerd you did just promise to be Enemies with benefits with your arch nemesis so you can’t really talk.”

I sigh and say “Please just leave.”

“Fine, Nerd. But you’ll owe me later.” He says this while slyly placing a piece of paper in my hand without my friends noticing.

I huff in response and sit down. This was going to be a long school year.

I finally opened the piece of paper when I got home. It was written in Thomas’s sloppy handwriting

“Hey Nerd,

Our first “lesson” will be at your house around 5. Don’t say we can’t because I know for a fact that your parents don’t get home till 8. See you then,


(PS wear sexy underwear)”

I grimaced at his not. It was true-my parents didn’t get home until 8 because they were doctors at a hospital 2 hours away but still! I mean “wear sexy underwear” What the hell?! We really need to put together a schedule so I can make sure it doesn’t interfere with my academics.

I had finished my homework an hour after I had gotten home so I only have 30 minutes to get ready for Thomas. I put on a blue polka dotted bra I got at Pink ages ago with Olivia with its matching underwear. Because I knew it would irritate Thomas I put on a pair of sweatpants and my soccer warm-up jacket.

Sometime later, while I was reading How to Kill a Mockingbird, the doorbell rang-which could mean one thing. Thomas was here. Oh joy.


So yeah. BTW the next chapter will have some sexual scenic thing so if you’re not comfortable reading that kinda stuff skip the next chapter……

Yeah I’ll probably update around next Friday or maybe sooner I’m not sure..

Well anyway if anyone is reading my story could you maybe recommend it to other people? That would be fabulous!!

Read on,

Sarah/mancityfan_hart <3

Enemies WIth BenefitsWhere stories live. Discover now