Mist To Mist

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I wrote this when I was like in the seventh grade so please don't try to judge it too harshly! I know there are mistakes. Eventually I will edit it, but for now I felt like I couldn't help but share this with others!

The fog faded over the cool black water. It was like it's own personal graveyard. I stared down to the ground. at the thought, trying control the overwhelming feeling of fear. It was 4:45 Am yet I was wide awake. I promised to keep a dark secret but in the end I kept thinking should I? Twilight crossed in over the horizon as mist filled the cold atmosphere.

Suddenly I picked up my feet into a full out run but I wasn't quite sure why.

You stupid girl...girl...girl...

The mocking sounds of laughter rang in my ears when I first arrived in Elementary...when I first met him, when he saved me from those cruel kids who just wanted to bring me down. He had been such a sweet dream but now all I could see was now he was a beautiful nightmare wrapped in a blanket of lies and love.

Suddenly the sharp sound of gunshots came out of the blue, making me scream on the top of my lungs in complete surprise.

The dark secret is about: death, murder, silence. Now my best friend in the whole world was after me for running away from him.

Ray wanted to Kill me!

He snatched me by my blood soaked shirt then dragged me back to that God forsaken lake. The place that was the source of our problems. The source of my life changing into something that sounds like it was made up by Hollywood.

He shoved me close to the icy waters, then he grabbed my blue hair by the roots and arched my head back to look at him. Ray pulled my down, so close to the water I could almost feel it dancing upon my warm flesh.

"Look" Ray started to say, "I said look! Do you see those bodies in the water? I never wanted yours to end up in there but now you give me no choice, Dawn!" Ray yelled, half sobbing as if this whole situation actually pained him.

He pushed my head down to a woman's misshaped and unmoving body. My mother...it was my mother's horrified face he made me look at. Mist floated on top of her so peacefully as if the body was meant to be there.

Suddenly another sound of a gun went off, but I could tell it wasn't his since his eyes bulged in pain as he fell in to the water, he pulled me with. His fingers knotted in my hair.

I couldn't see who shot the gun but only a tall shadow. I screamed hopelessly, but instead of an happy ending; I sank into deep darkness in the freezing water.

Mist to mist, dust to dust, and murder to murder...

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