When It's Time

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Infinity awoke to a guitar being played and a voice singing. She listened to it for a few seconds, then she decided to go downstairs. The redhead gingerly walked out of her room and headed down the stairs. The guitar playing and singing kept going on until she reached the living room. She saw Billie with papers scattered all over the coffee table and he had his guitar by his side.

"So, you're the one I heard singing." the redhead said after a moment of silence. Billie jumped a little bit, then noticed Infinity. "I'm sorry if I woke you." he said, running his hand through his hair. Infinity shrugged and sat down in an empty chair. "So, are you working on a new song?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's for this special girl." Billie said, looking at the papers. Infinity felt like her heart got ripped out of her chest and got stepped on a thousand times. "Oh..that's nice." she said, holding back tears. Billie looked at her and smiled a little bit. "Can I have some alone time to finish it?" he asked.

Infinity nodded and walked back upstairs. Once she reached her room, she started crying. She sat down on her bed and slammed her head into a pillow. She cried for several hours, until she heard a knock on her door. She quickly lifted her head up and saw a note being slipped under her door.

She slowly walked over and picked the note up. It read "open your door". Infinity opened her door and saw a bag. She grabbed the note on top and read it. "Put this on, then meet me downstairs." 

She opened the bag and saw a little black dress and a pair of black, ankle length Converse. She went into her room and changed as quickly as she could. After she changed, she looked in the mirror before heading downstairs. Once she reached the bottom of the steps, it was dark, but candle lighten. "Hello?" Infinity asked, looking around.

"Come in the kitchen, dear." she heard a voice say. She slowly walked to the kitchen and saw Billie sitting at the table, guitar on its stand. He slowly stood up and pulled the redheads chair out for her. She sat down and he pushed her chair in. "Billie, what is this?" she asked, obviously shocked and confused.

"You'll see." Billie replied, putting a plate in front of her. She looked down at the plate and saw some beautifully plated vegetarian lasagna. He poured some root beer into wine glasses. Infinity chuckled and he looked at her. "Root Beer in wine glasses?" Infinity asked.

"Why the hell not? It's classy." Billie replied, causing the redhead to laugh. Billie smiled and the two began to eat. Infinity took a drink of her beverage and Billie cleared his throat, getting out of his chair. Infinity watched as he put the guitar strap over him. "This song is dedicated to a very special girl, which happens to be you, Infinity Quinn." he said, as he began to play his guitar.

(Lyrics belong to Green Day, not me.)

Words get trapped in my mind.
Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do
'Cause the first day you came into my life
My time ticks around you.

But then I need your voice
As the key to unlock
All the love that's trapped in me.
So tell me when it's time
To say I love you.

All I want is you to understand.
That when I take your hand
It's 'cause I want to.
We are all born in a world of doubt
But there's no doubt.
I figured out.
I love you.

All I want is you to understand
That when I take your hand
It's 'cause I want to.
We are all born in a world of doubt
And there's no doubt.
I figured out.
I love you.

And I feel lonely for
All the losers that will never take the time to say
What was really on their mind instead
They just hide away.
Yet they'll never have
Someone like you to guide them
And help along the way.
Or tell them when it's time to say, "I love you"
So tell me when it's time to say "I love you".

Infinity smiled and tears streamed down her face. Billie smiled and put his guitar back on its stand. "Billie Joe Armstrong...I love you." Infinity managed to say through the tears. Billie wiped her tears away and smiled. "I love you too Infinity Quinn." he replied. 

"Infinity, will you be mine?" Billie asked. Infinity was hesitant for a little bit. "I promise, I will never ever do anything to harm you." he said, taking her hands causing her to look at him. The two looked at each other for a brief second, then they slowly got closer to each other. They both smiled before a force pushed their lips together. 

Infinity felt a spark and it seemed like fireworks were going off. The kiss lasted a couple more minutes and Billie broke the kiss, but managed to gently peck the redhead's lips a couple times. She smiled as her face turned a pretty shade of red. Billie chuckled and got up to get something. Infinity sat there and smiled, thinking that this was all just a dream.

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