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I stood there waiting. Waiting for this bad dream to end. Did I revive a ghost? A spirit maybe, which could disappear in plain sight? Was it possible that there is a time after 30 minutes when I can revive the spirit but not the body? But I had seen his flesh grow and the blood clot with my own eyes. Yet I had also seen him disappear with my own eyes.

After some unconcious minutes of disarray and cluelessness, my senses finally kicked in. "Unfinished business" that's what he had said. It could be only mean one thing. He was after the men in black suits who had butchered him to death. Now it all seemed to make sense. Why the black men, who looked to be deemed, professional criminals and maestros in assassination, were after a scrawny, teenage boy wearing ragged clothes. He did not step into their territory to steal, but probably to get rid of them all and got killed instead. Also, they had acknowledged his supernatural powers and didn't know what to make of it so all of them killed him and buried him with their own hands...only to see him once again out to avenge his own death.

I looked across the street two blocks down the road where the men had parked their car. It was still there. It seemed that instead of leaving in their car, they had entered the famous deli known for its exotic continental cuisines, spicy gossips and for their special, conference dining halls. They stepped out of it now, one by one. There were four of them. The guy with the slick black hair who had fired the two shots on Ethan lead the team to the car. He looked more stern than before, proving that whatever meeting they had wasn't too pleasant. Following him was the fat dude who had threatened to kill me. He was smoking a typical, flat-mouthed Indie cigar.

About the cigars, it is one of the 3 ablities of Sherlock Holmes, the best private detective in history of literature, that I have borrowed and tried to implement in my life. I have, like him, stuided about cigars, pipes and cigarettes till the point that now I can name atleast a 1000 types of each just off the top of my head. The 2nd thing is chemistry, my ever favourite subject. I had spent more time in the chemistry lab until last year than on the basketball court. The 3rd is my interest in boxing. Sherlock is more than just an inspiration, though we can't talk about him now as we have more pressing matters to talk about...

Mike, the guy who had the "double-sided dagger" was behind all of the other men and looked the most disappointed from his frown, though his eyes were covered by pitch, batch aviator shades. But of all their serious talks, it didn't seem like any of them were panicking and none of them seemed to be in a hurry. So he hadn't shown himself to them. Was he invisible and ready to kill from behind them? I looked to see any signs of his presence, and found none at all.

The guy who had shot Ethan got on the driver's seat and the fat dude joined him in the front of the Masserati. Mike and the other guy took their seat at each ends of the backseat. The car's engine fired up and roared, all set to speed on. No sign of him anywhere.

That's when I saw it, probably before any of them because I had been looking closely at the car the whole time. Like particles of dust suddenly nerging together to form a human in the middle of the backseat...he was here. And he was here to kill. He had probably been here the whole time, waiting inside the car. He clenched Mike's dagger on his right hand. I couldn't imagine how he had managed to steal that since I had last spotted it locked to Mike's crossbones belt on his waist while he was digging Ethan's grave, more like digging his own.

Ethan stabbed Mike in the heart, just as coldly as he must've been stabbed. Mike's face was one I can't describe in just words. Fear, shock, intution all showed in a mixed expression on his face. Before he swallow what had just happened, Ethan pulled out the blade from his heart and stabbed him twice in the back with the other end of the dagger. He pulled out the dagger, now both ends dripped with Mike's blood and stuck it one last time into his stomach to complete his revenge.

In the mean time, the other three after being awestruck and bewildered for a minute, had all their guns pointed at Ethan's head. "Game over Ethan. Your hunger for revenge is going to get you killed again. And this time, I am not going to save you." I thought to myself.

But instead of putting his hands up in the air, he threw back his head and his screeching, high-pitched hyena laugh. Bullets were fired inside the car at him by all three of them. But it was too late, Ethan was gone.

But he did show up, about ten meters away from the car, facing me as he spotted be from down the block. He had stopped laughing but still had a huge smirk across his left cheek. But there was one thing that caught my in him, and that was what he had on his back. Black, feathery wings. They looked about the same as mine but only he had them arched perfectly to make them embrace him like a shield. I could tell he was looking me straight in the eye though we were a block away. He held up his hand in the air and showed me 3 fingers...then 2...then 1...then...

The explosion was followed by a loud enough screech to deafen me for atleast half a minute. The car was in flames. He had planned it all along, this ambush. The place where Ethan was standing was now covered with smoke, but he didn't the cover of smoke to disappear. I decided to get out of this crime scene asap...I mean, if the police took me in as a witness what would I say? An invisible boy came and stabbed the gang and then left the car idk how and then blew it up and left?!

I turned my back against the explosion to get away from here, only to see Ethan standing in front of me. "I almost forgot tell've got the hottest ex I ever seen dude! I mean, she got an, I just had to look. I m sorry that cute bitch dumped you man."

I jumped up and gave him a round-house kick straight on his left jaw, right where his smirk kept growing. I had learned a few moves in kickboxing and karate due to mom's forcing last summer. He wasn't prepared for this and so fell straight on his face. Blood oozed out of his mouth. "One: she didn't dump me. Two: NO ONE calls Ashley a bitch in front of me and talks about her ass. Idc if that dude's visible or invisible." The words came flowing out of my lips. I knew I was over her. But I still couldn't stand anyone teasing her.

Ethan got up, wiped the blood on his chin with the back of his hand and spoke, "You sure know your kicks well. I am sorry for what I said. But don't be hurt by my words, dude 'cause we gotta stick together. We are of the same kind man, the archangels. All of us are a team. I will tell you everything, how I know your name, your ex, your abilities and also how I got my powers. So, are we friends Roland?" He held out his hand for me to approve.

I bent over to shake his hand...gone. Disappeared into thin air as dust particles into the atmosphere. I felt a hard punch on my vertebrae from the back, followed by a trip of my right leg to make me completely lose balance. It had to be him.

As I fell, I turned myself back to see him utter the last words,"What happened Roland? Didn't see that coming?!" And then the hyena laugh as he took flight on his dark wings. He was laughing as he flew away into the bright, morning skies like an eagle. He kept disappearing and re-appearing and each time he re-appeared he was got further and further into the horizon where the land and the skies would meet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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