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Mackenzie's P.O.V
Today is the day I get to go shopping with my mom for some new clothes I'm very excited. Right now I'm changing into some black high waisted shorts with a white tank top.
As I finished getting ready I grabbed my phone from my bed, I checked the time and it was 8:30 wow it took me 30 minutes to get ready, oh well. I walked down stairs and was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs. Yum,
I ran down stiars and started eating right away
"Good morning mom" I said with my mouth full of food
"Good morning sweetheart" she laughed.
As we arrived the mall I jumped out of the car I was smiling like an idiot of how excited I was to go to the mall, but soon my smile faded away when I remembered I could see my bully's from 4 years ago here but soon I shrugged it off.
Me and my mom where soon inside the mall we decided to go to "Forever 21" first I got some ripped skinny jeans, regular jeans, leggings, and shorts. I couldnt find any kind of shirts that I would want here so we just payed.
After shopping at every store at the mall my mom and I were pretty exhausted so we decided to go home but of course we didn't leave without passing by the ice cream shop. I got cookie dough ice cream and my mom got mint chocolate chip.
As soon as we arrived home I went straight into my room, lucky me my sister was still at her sleepover so I didn't have to see her. After I took my new clothes and put them in my closet I grabbed my laptop and watched Netflix.
Its now 9 o'clock and I'm getting ready for bed since tomorrow is my first day back at school I am actually pretty happy.
I groan as my alarm clock goes off
"Ughhhhh shut uppp stupid thing" I say as I grab my alarm clock and throw it, ops ill have to buy another one after school. I finally decide to get up and get ready for school, I go to my closet to get my clothes and make my way to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and soon i'm done with my shower I dry my body and get dressed. Today I'm wearing my black skinny jeans, maroon V-neck shirt, and my black vans, I brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy high pony tail, I then add a bit of mascara.
I make my way down stairs I go to the kitchen and find a note from my mom
Mackenzie I left early for a meeting at work sorry this was last minute. I left 50 bucks under the fruit bowl for you to buy yourself dinner for later i may not be back till 12 am.
"Well, looks like ill be home alone today"I said as I grabbed a bowl from the cabinets, the milk from the fridge, and the cereal from the pantry and start eating.
Soon I was done with my cereal, I checked my time it was 7:40 I still had 20 more minutes left. I grabbed my bag, phone, and car keys and made my way out. I turned my car on and started jamming to songs, I didn't realize I was at school already now that I think about it... I'm getting nervous.
It took a while to find a parking spot but luckily I found one at the front, for some weird reason everyone gasped but I didn't care I made my way out of my car, locked it and made my way toward the school. I felt peoples gazes on me and some whispering "wow what a slut" that was one of the stuck up bitches from my sisters little slut group but I kept walking, I also heard "damn shes hot" and "shes gonna die for parking in his spot" well thats weird. Soon I made it in the school and went to the office. I soon made it to the office and I was greeted by a woman in her late 40's
She looked at me with a weird expression and then smiled
"Hello how may I help you?" She asked
"Im new here and I need my schedule and locker combo" I said
"Yes of course"
She looked something up on the computer probably my schedule, and printed it out.
"Here you go sweetie have a nice day" she said while smiling
"Thanks" I said and gave her a sweet smile.
I walked out and looked at my schedule I wasn't looking where I was going until I bumped into someone luckily I didn't loose my balance and fall but the person did so I saw and it was a beautiful brunette girl she had hazel eyes and she was wearing skinny jeans with a black hoodie, she was very pretty
"I am soo sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said "Its fine don't worry about it" she said with a smile. I helped her up. "My name is Gianna Greene" she said while sticking her hand out waiting for me to shake it "My name is Mackenzie Jones, but you can call me Kenzie" I said with a smile she smiled back "May I see your schedule maybe we  have some classes together"
"Sure" I said and handed her my schedule.
"We have all of our classes together and your locker is right next to mine!" She said in a very excited tone. I was very happy.
We were at our lockers when  no other than Tyler comes in, the person that bullied me all the time non stop. He looks around his eyes land on me it looked like he was checking me out cause soon he winked at me and walked away. What a shit head. Soon he started screaming
Gosh he's starting all this for just a parking spot. Everyone was around him,"Ill be back Gigi" and walked away. I made my way through the crowd of teenagers until I reached the front
"I did you fool" everyone gasped his eyes went from calm to angry
"What did you call me bitch.. No wait slut cause I bet your just like Melody and her little slutty group" that earned some chuckles. Now he crossed the line who does he think he is king of the school well he thought wrong. I kicked him in the balls and watched as he fell to the floor " thats for calling me a slut" I kicked him again but this time on his stomach "this is for making girls fall for you and then throw them away when you get what you want" I kicked him one last time but harder "and this is for thinking you can run the school and treat all these people like slaves" soon he was coughing out blood. I turned around and saw everyone recording, they all had these scared expressions it was hilarious but I holded  my laugh in. I walked away to get to my new friend Gianna. "Hey" I said to her
"Woahh what was that about he's the bad boy of the school no one messes with him" and she kept blabbing about how he was gonna kill me and all that but I just laughed and decided to tell her my past
"Look I am here to get revenge on him and my sister Melody. Yes Melody is my sister and its horrible but anyway Tyler was my bully he always bullied me non stop and so did my sister. I decided to run away and now well I'm back for revenge but you cant tell no one" I said
She was surprised
"Do they know your back?" She said
"Not yet" I said
Soon we made our way to 1st period.
The first 4 periods went by a blur and it was now lunchtime Gianna said she wasn't gonna make it to lunch because apparently she had to leave for some designing stuff so I told her I was gonna be fine on my own. I walked into the lunch room and everyone got quiet ugh I hate when that happens. I looked around and saw there was only one table left and I made my way towards it. Everyone gasped once again but I ignored it, soon Tyler and his little group of jocks walked in, Tyler looked around and his eyes landed on me he looked angry as he made his way towards me. "This is my table move!" He said
"Oh really? I don't see any name tags or a sign that says the table belongs to you" I said while looking around the table
"Just move bitch your sitting on my seat" he said
"Oh we have assigned seats too? Wow" I said
He looked so angry "just move I want my table!"he said looking like he's ready to punch me.
"I mean if you want to sit on your table sit on it no one is stopping you" I said in a duh tone
He glared at me and said "this isn't over"
"Ohhhh I'm so scared" I said in a really girly tone. I then noticed that his whole group was behind him when I thought they walked away, some of them were laughing and others sending winks at me. Ew, does it look like I'm interested. But of course I didn't say that out loud, then they walked out. A few minutes later I saw Melody she was wobbling my way, yay more drama (note the sarcasm)
"Bitch you better stay away from my Tyler" she said in a angry tone
"Um first of all I don't want your son of a bitch boy friend and he's the one coming to me with his shit so you can take your slutty self back from where you came from" I said in a serious voice trying my hardest not to laugh. She tried to slap me but I grabbed her wrist and twisted it "don't you dare touch me" I said in a angry tone, I let go of her and pushed her to the floor and I walked out of the cafeteria
Tylers P.O.V.
Skip to 8th period

Curse that new girl damn shes hot and all but she really roasted me today. I'm obviously not gonna admit it when some one asks me, but it is true. For some strange reason I feel like I know her from somewhere but I just cant remember where and how
"Damn bro she got you good" one of my friends said
"Shut up man but this isn't over shes gonna learn after 8th period" I said, I'm planning to beat the shit out of her so she will learn not to mess with me. We made our way towards 8th period all the bad boys  and the sluts where in there luckily the teacher didn't care about us no more since we never listen, we entered the room me and my group sat at the very back of the class in a circle. Normally Melody would be sitting on my lap but today is not the day after that new kid ruined the whole day for me but its good cause the whole school will be in the parking lot after school watching me beat the shit out of her. The bell finally rung me and my squad were talking about who is  the hottest girl at school they all said the new girl no one knows her name but Gianna and shes not here today, but whatever. The door opened and everyone turned that way it was the new kid.
"Mackenzie Jones why are you late to class" so thats her name woah wait a minute is that Mackenzie Jones as in the one that ran away, the Mackenzie Jones that Ive had a crush on all my life, and the one I bullied just to get her attention but never worked.. Damn puberty did her good "I'm not gonna explain every detail on why I was late" Mackenzie said  snapping me out of thoughts. I saw Melody get up from her seat and walk to Mackenzie, "Mackenzie is that really you?" She said crying
"Yeah" Mackenzie said
"I missed you soo much I thought you died even if I bullied you I cared for you please forgive me" Melody said
mackenzie laughed " you think I'm gonna forgive you after everything you did to me? NO! Not in a million years you only treated me that way because you thought Tyler wanted me when all he did was bully me but no you where too blind to realize that, I mean who would even want me back then I was fat and ugly but now I'm back and better" Mackenzie said without a sign of emotion in her  eyes. While Melody cried, soon after this little show of theirs it was time to go home I followed Mackenzie while everyone followed me to watch me beat her up they all had their phones ready. I ran after her before she got in her car I pulled her
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" She said
I didn't respond I just slapped her but she grabbed my wrist I was shocked. She twisted my wrist punched me in the face, kicked me, slapped me, I was coughing out blood and everyone was laughing I didn't even get to hit her at all when I got up to get her she was already gone. Well I guess this is the end of my bad boy reputation..
Melodys P.O.V.
Skip to her house
I cant believe the person I called slut turned out to be my sister I regret everything so much but shes obviously not gonna believe me because of what I have done to her, I decided to go to her room I knocked on her door a few seconds later she opened it "what do you want" she said
"I want you to forgive me please I know I made a mistake but please forgive me" I said crying
"You think I'm gonna forgive you I'm not gonna be that one stupid person that forgives just like that and one mistake? Haha more like millions of mistakes because of you I ran away from my mom and spent all these years without her all the memories I could have shared with her but no because you and Tyler were against me" she said in an angry voice I just stared at her. She then slammed the door on my face and I walked away into my room.


the new chapter  😄
Tyler on the picture thingy lol he's more muscular but thats how his face looks lmao 😂

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