Chapter One: Mabel's P.O.V. Excitement

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  My alarm goes off at 6:00am.
  Not an ideal time for a fourteen year girl like me.
  And then I remember why I'm up at this time:
  Last year, Dipper and I begged our parents to let us go back to Gravity Falls. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let us, but this year, we're going back!
  I spring out of bed and get ready to leave.
  "The bus leaves at 6:30!" my mom calls.
  Dipper groggily stomps out of his room.
  "Dipper!" I shout."Gravity Falls! Grunkle Stan! Soos! Wendy! Pacifica!" I laugh hysterically.
  He just smiles.
  Soon, we're waiting at the bus stop.
  "Make sure to call me when you get there, okay?" my mom says. She pats my head."And make sure to take your meds," she adds quietly.
  I sigh. I know she's ashamed. I hear it in her voice.
  But no time to think of that now! The bus pulls in front of us. Dipper and I exchange smiles and excited glances.
  We hug our mom and climb aboard.
  "I'll miss you!" she yells from outside.
  Dipper and I wave happily goodbye as the bus heads towards Oregon.
  And all I can think about is meeting Pacifica again.

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