Chapter Six: Pacifica's P.O.V. New Family

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As Mabel and Dipper get ready for the day, I sit at the table downstairs. I sip some Pitt Cola and sigh. Things with Mabel seem to be going... okay. But it's still so awkward. I feel it. She feels it. Even Dipper feels it!
No matter how much I want them to be, things will never be like they were two years ago. Nothing will ever be the same. And we don't even have to reconnect with Bill already bugging me. I can't stand that damn triangle. What's his problem? And why does he think I can give him the universe? And why does he think I even have the ability to do that? He should be the one that can do that! Although, I guess it does make me feel reassured that he doesn't, because then everyone would probably be dead.
My thoughts are cut off when Mabel comes down the stairs. She smiles that same smile that she's always had, that smile she had when I first met her.
"Hey," she says.
"Hey," I say lamely back.
"I asked Stan if I could take a day off from work so we could catch up," she tells me.
I grin."Cool."
She grabs my hand tightly and whispers in my ear,"Let's go."
Suddenly I'm chasing her through the pine trees. I don't dare look behind me, for I already know we are well into the forest, and there will be bugs and monsters but at this point I don't care. I can't take my eyes off of her. Her long, light brown hair blows in the wind behind her. She's barefoot, and so am I, and her skin shines in the spotty sunlight above the tall trees.
She finally stops under a big, beautiful pine tree and sits down. I sit down next to her, our fingers almost touching.
"So, what did you want to tell me?" I ask, nervous. She told me she wanted to talk with almost no emotion, making me anxious. What if she wants to break up?
"That I missed you. I missed you so, so much. And I wish I could've been there you in the past year. You mean a lot to me, Pacifica. I love you."
I feel tears form in my eyes. I haven't heard those words in a long time. I want to speak, but I'm too choked up to get sound out. Instead, I wrap her in a big, loving hug that I never want to end.
I can tell at first, the hug comes as a shock to her. But quickly I feel her hands on my back. I bury my head in her stomach, and she lays her chin on top of my head.
And we stay like that for a long time.
The tears that were in my eyes begin to fall. Soon I'm sobbing. And I can't stop. Tears stream like rivers down my cheeks and they're unstoppable. Am I sad? Am I happy? My emotions run wild.
Mabel rubs my back."Shhh," she coos."Don't cry."
I break the hug."Thank you for bringing me in. Thank you for letting me stay with you all the time. Before I met you, I used to feel like I had no home. No family. Just nothing at all. But I have you now. And Stan, and Dipper, and Wendy, and Soos. I have a new family."
She smiles.
I smile too."What's been happening in your life?" I question.
"Not much. After leaving Gravity Falls, I felt like everything was very boring. I'm glad to be back in this weird-ass place."
We both laugh."I've never been outside Gravity Falls in my life," I tell her."I think anywhere else would be too normal. But at the same time, it's almost like I need to leave. Everywhere I look, there's bad memories one after another. I'm trapped here. School is a nightmare. My house is barely mine. I never go in there. But anywhere else, I wouldn't fit in."
Mabel frowns."I'm sorry. Is your family still in Hawaii?"
  "Yeah. Of course they never take me on vacations. They've been across the globe and the farthest I've gone is across town at Greasy's Diner. I hate to spend time with them so I'm too bothered by it. I'd definitely rather be with you." I take her hand.
  She squeezes mine."Maybe when we're older, we'll move far away, to another galaxy, and make it just like this, but away from everyone."
  "Wouldn't you miss your brother?"
  "I'll let him come too."
  I giggle."That sounds great, but unfortunately, that is impossible."
  "Awe, come on! Nothing is impossible. The word itself is 'I'm possible'."
  "Wow, I never thought of that."
  "I got it from the internet."
  I laugh again."I'm so happy to be here with you."
  "I'm happy to be with you too."
  And she pulls me in and kisses me.

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