I help Mabel and Dipper unpack their stuff, and by the time we're finished the clock strikes 11:00.
"I'm tired," Mabel sighs, yawning.
"Do you mind if I stay over?" I ask tentatively."My parents are away in Hawaii... and I don't feel like being alone in that huge mansion."
She puts a hand on my shoulder."No problem, Paz. You can sleep in my bed with me."
"Thanks." I grin. I'm tired of being in that fancy mansion all by myself. Having no friends. I barely even have a family anymore.
At least I have Mabel, right?
An hour later, we crawl into bed. Mabel sleeps soundly next to me, as if she hasn't slept for weeks. But I lay awake, wondering what has gone on for the year and a half we didn't see each other. It's too early to know. I wonder if I've changed. I pray that we don't grow apart.
The room around me turns black and white.
I get up from the bed. I'm dreaming. But where's the isosceles devil?
"Bill?" I say aloud.
"Hey, Pazzy," says Bill Cipher, floating down to greet me from wherever.
I roll my eyes."They haven't even been here for one full day, and you have to come bother us."
"The twins, eh? Happy to see your little girlfriend, are you?" he taunts.
"You better leave her alone! And Dipper, too!"
"So I guess I'll just have to bother you, then," he cackles.
He sits down on Dipper's bed, unnoticed by the teen.
"So...what do you want?"
"Eh, just your entire universe," he smirks.
"Hey, I may be rich, but I can't give you that," I answer.
"Oh, but you could! Just let me into your mind. Simple."
"But why would I do that?"
"I can think of many reasons," he whispers as he fades into darkness.
I wake up with Mabel laying beside me, and that's the only way I want to wake up.
"Hi," she murmurs.
"Hey," I say, but I notice how my voice shakes. We haven't talked in forever. She could be a completely different person. I barely know her.
I've never heard silence so loud.
I crawl out of the covers and step into the bathroom.
I barely know her.
I wish I could tell her or Dipper about my dream of Bill last night, but I share to start off their visit like that. Bill just won't give us a break. He wants the universe, but how could I give that to him? And why would I?
After I rinse my face with cold water, and I leave the bathroom and watch as Mabel stretches and yawns. She looks so much older. Just like a glitchy memory, or an old friend.

Black and White and Streaks of Love
FanfikceDipper and Mabel Pines return to Gravity Falls, Oregon two years later. They art by sailorleo on tumblr. i do not own gravity falls.