Time to speak. Time to let go

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Ashley POV

It has been 4 days since Skye asked me to the dance. It's Saturday, and I'm bored. I decided to go to the coffee shop. Once I was there it said it was closed. Ugh!! Nothing to do. I remember that gravestone. After 10 minutes I'm finally at the trail. I walk for another 2 minutes. I see a figure there. I hide behind a tree. I look at the person closely. Is that- No it can't be. "Skye?" I asked. He didn't move. I walked closer and closer. I was behind him now. I read the grave stone. (All made up)

In loving memory of
Tony Richardson
1972 - 2012
Aged 40

"This... This is your father." I said. He nodded numbly. I rubbed his back. "When, when did he die?" I ask. "3 years ago today." He said quietly. I sat down next to him and hugged him. He started to sob. "I-i miss him so much." He said. I murmured sweet nothings into his ear. I rubbed his back in a circular motion. It felt like hour's that we stayed in that position, but it was just a few minutes. He then just wiped his tears away. "I guess I owe you an explanation." He said. "When you are ready you can tell me." I said softly. He hugged me and buried his face in my neck while I sat on his lap. He mumbled something that I couldn't hear. "What?" I ask. "Thank you." He said a little louder. "What for?" I ask. "For being my friend." He said. I was happy that he considered me as a friend. Point 3 for Ashley. Sad thing was I didn't want to be his friend, I wanted to be something more to him. "I was 15, me and my dad were running the coffee shop that I work at today. My mom and dad bought that when my sister was 8 years old and when I was just 1. Me and my dad were close. My mom and my sister had to go shopping one day, which was 3 years ago today. We were locking the place up early because we were going to cook something for my mom and sister. We went to a food store to get noodles and other stuff. We walked in, in a middle of a r-robbery." He stopped and took an intake of breath. He squeezed me tighter, but not enough to hurt me. "M-my dad was a good man. He always helped someone in need. When we walked in the robber had his gun pressed against a girl's head. She was a teenager trying to protect her 5 year old sister. My dad told the guy not to hurt him and calm down. The robber just told him to sit down like the rest of the people in the store. My dad didn't do that. He went straight up to the man trying to get the gun out of his hands. I was getting everybody to safety. When I picked up the girl and gave her to her older sister, I... I h-heard a-a s-shot. I-i turned-d around to... To see m-my dad on the ground and a pool of blood underneath him. His final words was 'Stay strong for the family'." He cried even harder. "I tried to protect my sister from Ryan. I'm just weak. So weak." He said and cried even more. I pulled away and grabbed his face in my hands. "No you are not weak. Anyone who had lost a person and had a strong connection would feel the same way. You have been strong for too long. You protected Natalie and Dianna. You are strong. It takes courage to do what you did. To take the people to safety while your dad was fighting that monster." I say. He just looked at me. I wiped the tears away. I got his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. He gave me a small smile. I stand up and give him a hand. He takes it and stands up. "Come on who have you opened up to?" I ask. "Just you." He replies. "Does your mom still live here?" I ask. "Yes." He replied. "Then you know who to open up to." I said. "Come with me, please." He begged. "Okay." I replied. He takes me to the coffee shop. He goes to the back door instead of the front door. When he opens it I see a kitchen. Of course where they make their coffee and pastries. He drags me to the side of the kitchen and see a door. He takes a deep breath before opening it. Inside their is a table, 2 couches, a tv and a lady. Wait a minute I've seen her before. It was that lady that pushed me out of the shop. "Skye? Why are you home so early? Who is your friend?" She asked, her voice gentle. "Mom, I would like you to meet Ashley. Ashley this is my mother." Skye introduced us. "Hello Mrs. Richardson." I said. She shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ashley." She said. "Mom, Ashley helped me today. She made me realize a few things as well. I want to talk about..." He didn't say anything else. I rubbed his back and gave him a encouraging look. "I-i want to talk about dad, Rachel, everything." He finished. She looked at me and then back at Skye. She made a gesture for him to continue. "I miss him we both know that. I was alone mom, you weren't their. I helped you at the shop. You would avoid the topic about dad's death. My friends left me and Rachel was gone. You would just tell me to work. I ignored everyone. My friends laughed at me. Ashley came, she made things better. She made me look at the good side of things. She was their when no one else was. I miss the old you mom. The one that would cook with a smile on your face. Always play around and tease me. The one that had time for her son." He said he was on the verge of tears. "I... I miss your father. I would try to be their but end up yelling at you. I'm sorry I haven't been their for you recently. I'm sorry I didn't comfort you when your sister left. I'm sorry, please just forgive me." Mrs. Richardson said. He went up to her and hugged her. She was shorter than him. I looked at them a small smile on my face. I was about to leave when I heard the Mrs. Richardson ask, "Where do you think you're going?" I turned around. "Home." I replied. "No I want to make things up now. So tell me how you met Skye." She said while taking a seat. I laughed. "I wasn't looking were I was going and bumped into him." I replied. I started telling her the story on how I met Skye all the way to were he asked me to the dance. "Hmm." She said and raised an eyebrow. "Are you two dating?" She asks. "Mom!" I hear Skye yell. I blushed and said, "No." She just looked at us. "Darn you two looked like a cute couple." She said. Skye's mouth hung open. I blushed even more. "Cool mom." I commented. "Well do you want a cupcake?" She asked. My phone rang. "Hello." I ask. I heard someone screaming in the other end. I jumped out the couch, dropped my phone and held my ear. Skye rushed to my side. "Ashley are you alright?" He asked in worry. I nodded. I picked up my phone and put it on my other ear. ( Italics - Ashley, Bold + Underline - Piper )

"I'm going to kill your brother."

"What did Josh so?"

"Not Josh, Adrian."

"Adrian, he is a good person what did he do?"

"He asked someone else to the dance and told all of us including Lily."

"I will be their in a few... Who's house?"


"Okay bye."

End Of Call

"What's wrong?" Skye asked. "Welll my friend likes my brother and he asked someone else to the dance." I rush out. "Yikes." He responds. "Do you want to meet my brothers? You can distract them while I calm my friend down." I say. "Yeah okay." He replied. I hugged him and muttered a 'thanks'. After saying our goodbyes we go to my house.

Its gonna take a while untill I update again. Slow updates, you have been warned.
--Kay Kay

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