Getting interrupted

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Ashley POV

"LILY!!!" I yell. She comes into my room looking for me frantically. Once she saw I was safe, she let out a relived sigh. "Yes?" She asked. Piper came inside the room. "What do you guys want to do?" I asked. "Lets go to the park." Lily said. "Okay." I respond. We went to the car and drove there. I walked around the pond with the girls. Piper tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at her and she pointed at something. I looked at what she was pointing and found out it was Skye. Wait Skye was here!! "Go ask him it's your chance." Piper said. I walk over to him. I see him playing with 2 little girls. One girl had a ponytail she had black hair and blue eyes, she was taller. The other girl had her hair in pigtails she had brown eyes and brown hair. I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me with a dazzling smile. "Ashley?" He asked. "Yeah, I was at the park with my friends. Umm... I wanted to ask you a question." I said. Before he could respond I heard the girl talk. "Uncle Skye, who is this?" The girl with brown hair asks. Uncle Skye?!?! "Well go ask her yourself." He said. She looked at me with her big brown eyes. "Who are you?" She asked. I bent down to her level. "I'm Ashley, who are you?" I asked. "I'm Dianna." She said. "And I'm her older sister Natalie." The girl with the blue eyes said. "Well it's nice to meet you." I said. "I'm 10 years old, and she is 5 years old." Natalie says. "Your pretty, I like your hair." Dianna said. "I like your eyes." Natalie said. "Thank you, both of you are pretty as well." I said. "Are you a princess?" Dianna asks. "No she is a queen." Natalie interjected. "I'm neither but both of you are beautiful princesses." I say. I hear a sound and look up at Skye. "You were taking pictures." I gasped. "Nope a video." He replied and put his phone away. He picked up Dianna and set her down on the bench and he did the same for Natalie. "So what did you want to ask me?" He asked. I blushed remembering why I came to him in the first place. Before I can answer a man comes and talks to Skye. "What are you doing with my daughter?" He asked angrily. "I'm taking them out to have fun away from you." Skye said in a cold tone. I looked at the girls Natalie was hugging Dianna. The man brushed past Skye and took Natalie's arm. "We are going home, come on!" The man yelled. She screamed in pain. "Hey don't treat her like that!" I yell. He looked at me. "I can do whatever I want!" He yelled. Skye got Natalie free from the man's grip. The girls ran behind me and hugged my legs. Skye then got punched in his face. He stumbled back a few steps. Piper and Lily came. "Go with them they are kind people." I said to the girls. They look at me. "Come back for us." Dianna said and then they left. Skye's lip was bleeding. He punched the man in the gut. It didn't stop him, he punched Skye in the ribs. Skye punched his jaw. I heard something crack. The man howled in pain. He cupped his jaw. Skye got my arm and dragged me away. We then hid behind a truck. We heard footsteps come and fade. "Where are the girls?" He said. "With Piper and Lily. Come on I know where they went." I said. We walked to his car. "Give me the keys." I demand. He does as told and goes to the passenger seat. I drive us to Lily's house. I went inside with Skye and saw the girls playing Jenga with my friends. The girls heard us come in and ran toward Skye. "Uncle Skye, are you okay?" Dianna asked. He just hugged the girls as they cried. He calmed them both down. Dianna fell asleep he picked her up and put her on the couch. "It's all my dad's fault." Natalie sobbed. "Hey, hey look at me. It's going to be fine. I will make sure he doesn't hurt either of you." Skye said. She hugged him. Some minutes later she feel asleep. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I made him sit down while I cleaned his cuts. I checked for bruises. Piper and Lily just watched. "Who was that man?" Lily asked quietly. "No one you need to know." He replied. "It won't kill you to open up to people." Piper said. He just looked at her. "His name is Ryan. He is Natalie's dad. My sister, Rachel, married him and had Natalie. He then turned into an alcoholic and he abused them. She divorced him and then found a nice guy 2 years later. She married him 3 years after she met him. They had another child and that is Dianna. Happy." He said. I hugged him. He stiffened but then relaxed. "I've told you to much." He said. "No you didn't, I know it's none of our business, but you need friends to let your feelings out. You are not alone." I said. "I've been alone for a long time it's just been a while since I had someone around with me." He replied. "You're not alone anymore. You can count on us." Lily said. I heard the door open. I turned around to find my brothers. They came and saw Skye. "What happened here?" Josh asked. "Nothing, I should go. Thank you Piper and Lily for taking care of my nieces." He said as he walked to the girls. "No problem." Piper said. Lily walked over to him and put a hand over his shoulder. "If you ever need anything you can come here." She said. He nodded and carried both girls. I opened the door for him. I buckled Dianna in as he buckled Natalie. I hugged him. "Thank you." He murmured. "No problem." I said. "What did you want to ask me?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug. I blushed. "No-nothing." I stuttered. He raised an eyebrow. "Come on you can tell me." He said. "Are you going to the dance?" I ask instead. "Yeah." He responded. "Did you ask anyone?" I keep asking. "No, did anyone ask you?" He asked. "No." I replied. "Do want to go to the dance with me?" Skye blurted out. He then realized what he said and blushed. He started to stutter some nonsense. I stood there shocked as he stuttered. "I would love to go with you." I finally said. He quit stuttering. "What?" He asked. "I would love to go with you." I say again. "Really, someone like me?" He said in disbelief. "You are an amazing person. Sometimes you forget that." I say. He just smiled at me like he won the lottery. He got a text message. He looked at his phone and then back at me. "I have to go bye." He said. "Bye." I replied. I walked into the house and waved as he left.

--Kay Kay

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