Chapter 1

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My mother tongue is not english so please overread the mistakes.

I also want to thank a friend of mine who is beta-reading it for me.

Story will be updated 1 time per week.

If I happen to miss one update I am very sorry for it.

I hope you enjoy the story!

It was a normal Thursday evening, or at least I thought so. My mind changed itself when I got a guest. But not just any stranger, no, it was the famous, perfect looking Captain America. It should not have surprised me that he is coming over to my home almost every day, after all, he is my boyfriend.

"Good evening, Tony! " He said and gently kissed me.

„You don't mind if I come in? He rhetorically asked and of course I let him in, leading him into the living room.

„Do you want anything to drink? " I asked him.

„No thanks, I'm fine. " He replied and kept on looking at me with his marine blue eyes. I truly love his perfect, sparkling eyes! He knew that I noticed his stare and looked away because of it. We are a couple for 17 days now, so we are still not really used to that stuff.

„So, why did you come over this evening? Do you want to watch a movie together or something like that? "I quietly asked.

He scratched the back of his head with his right hand and answered slowly „If you want, we can.... To be honest I only came over because I wanted to see you... I'm sorry I should've told you that I'm coming over..."

"Cap' that is okay. You know I'm always happy when I can see you! So don't overthink that! Okay? Cap' ? "I replied while walking towards him to hug him tightly. I could smell his scent when I took a deep breath. After sensing it I always feel really comfortable. I don't exactly know how to describe the scent but it smells amazing!

"Thanks..."he whispered into my ear before gently biting into it.

It kind of surprised me and forced a little moan out of my mouth. I could feel that he is smiling because his cheek suddenly rubbed at mine. This man just makes me the happiest man on the world.

„So... what do you think about a movie now? Before this escalates? "With these words I tried to change the main part of his thoughts. I knew that he want to have sex and actually I would like too, but somehow I didn't feel ready for it! At least not now! It surprises me that I, Tony Stark, don't want to have sex! I guess it's different with him because I never felt that much love for anyone before.

"I'm fine with that but you have to let me choose! " He happily answered on my question.

„Only if it is not another of those 1940 movies "They start to annoy me... they are just so old... Just like you! "I joked back.

A big smile took place on his face and he started giggling "I'll make sure it's from 1939!

"He chose "The wizard of Oz". I never saw that movie before because I was not interested in it. But for him, I would watch anything.

"Would you like some popcorn or any other snack?" I asked with a patient smile.

"If it's okay I would like to eat some popcorn with you! You prefer salty flavor, don't you?" he answered.

I almost instantly went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

"Why does he always care about me so much?" I asked myself. I shook my head because I don't like it when I talk with myself. I winced when I felt the gigantic arms of my lover around my hip.

"Because I love you Tony!" he whispered in my ear. I laid my arms over his and closed my eyes as I laid back. I could feel his muscles at my back. I sensed every breath he took. I didn't want to let go but the bell of the microwave told me that the popcorn was ready. So he let go of me and we went back to the living room and we cuddled up at the couch.

"It's sweet!" he shouted out and turned surprised to me.

"I love you too!" I replied with a smiling face.

He smiled back and kissed me. His lips had the taste of sugar on them. When I broke the kiss I put my head at his shoulder and watched the movie with him.

"You look pretty damn tired." I said to my lover after the movie was over. "We should go to bed!"

He looked with half closed eyes at me. "You are probably right." He said yawning.

After taking off almost all of our cloths we laid in my gigantic bed and fell asleep embraced in each other's arms.

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