Chapter 4

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When I woke up again I had a horrible headache! I couldn't see anything because of an undefinable object which was tied around my head. Also my arms and legs were tied up on something like a chair, so I was restricted to move either...The next thing I tried was to call out for Jarvis to send me my Iron Man suit but I lost the hope after some minutes... I wondered why I didn't panic by now but probably because I felt horrible and only wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

I slowly started to ask myself question. "Where am I? How long am I already here? Who brought me here? Why did it happen to me...? Why do the bad things always happen to me...?" Despair grew in my stomach but I pushed the thoughts aside.

After some time I could hear the voice of a man. I was not able to understand what he said but I would bet my life on it that it was nothing good for me! After some time he opened a door, what I could tell by the sound it made, and came in.

"So you are awake. I'm surprised. I didn't expect you to wake up that fast. Oh and don't even think about calling out for your armor. The jammer is going to block all signals you could send. But before all of this escalates, would you like something to drink or eat?" he asked patiently.

By now I could already tell by his voice that he only tried to play the game "Good Cop – Bad Cop". So I decided to not contract to his offer.

"Where am I? What the fuck do you want from me? And who the fuck, are you?" I asked in a voice that sounded like a mixture of fear and anger.

The moment I realized that he just slapped me in my face made my fear disappear and let the anger dominate me.

"Do you pathetic piece of shit really think that you can reach anything with that? After getting out of here I am going to kill you with my own hands!" I shouted.

My ears noticed laughter. It was the only sound that could be heard.

"Are you really that stupid? How can you be a genius with that much success? That's ridiculous! But let us find out how long you can keep that attitude up if you get nothing to eat and drink!" and with these words I could hear him leaving my cell.

"What now?" I thought.

He obviously was right about the jammer because I didn't get any respond from Jarvis... That sucks! Will I ever get out of here? No one is going to look for me because I do not have family... And if I don't show up at work they are just going to think that I am too bored to come....

"Steve!" my mind recalled me.

That's right. I still have the Cap' but he probably doesn't know that I got abducted... But if I wait a little longer he is going to realize that something is wrong. But how will he find me? I don't even know myself where I am!

I tried to come up with an idea how I could get out of here but it was futile... Right now might not be the best time to sleep but I didn't have much more options available.

When I woke up again I panicked at first because I was not able to move or see but then I remembered... I am not allowed to do anything like that because the bastards who keep me here. They would not like such rebelling behavior!

I didn't had to wait very long until someone came in my cell again. As it turned out it was the same man as before.

"Mr. Stark" he said "let's get down to business, we..."

"We should talk about business? I don't think that there is anything to negotiate about." I rudely interrupted him.

He took a deep breath a continued. "As I was saying, we want 5mrd. Dollars and then we're going to let you go. Sounds good doesn't it?" he proposed.

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