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"W-what t-the fu-"

That was me stuttering due to being cold, first thing in the morning. Literally. Tyler dumped a whole bucket of water on me to wake me up.

Now he was on the floor, rolling around, laughing his ass off.

"Why the heck would you do that?!" I shouted at him, furious.

He got up, grinning, "Mom told me to wake you up, so I did." He was still struggling to keep in his laughter, so I just glared at him and went to my bathroom.

"Get out, I'm going to take a shower since I'm already wet." I pointed at the door, to get him out. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

I went downstairs and went to the kitchen, "Hey mom, what's for brekky." It's what I call breakfast... Don't judge.

"I made some bacon and eggs, if you like." She said. I got a plate and placed two bacons and an egg. As I was eating, I wondered, "Mom, where's everybody?"

"Oh, your dad just left for work and the twins are helping Brian get ready." Mom said.

"Okay." I muttered.

"Oh, by the way you're going to ride with the twins."

"Yeah I know." I said, as if I have any other way to get there. I don't even have my own car yet.

By the time I finished eating the twins were already at the driveway waiting for me. Brian's class started later than us, so mom was the one who drops him off. I hopped in the car and we were on the way to school.


Kyler parked the car and got out; Tyler was going to go out when I suddenly stopped him.


"I'm nervous." I mumbled.

"Why would you be nervous?" He asked.

"What if they don't like me? What if I embarrass myself and trip? What i-"

Tyler cut me off, "Relax sis, they'll like you. You won't embarrass yourself and they won't make fun of you. If they do, they got eight angry brothers coming their way!" He exclaimed.

"Thank Tyler, I love you." I hugged him.

"Love you too," He said, "But don't tell anyone that, it will ruin my rep."

"What rep?" I joked.

"Ha ha very funny, come on, let's go." He got out as I followed behind him. Kyler was outside just waiting for us. Everyone out in the parking lot stared at us, more likely at the twins, hate to admit it but they're hot, all of them are. It is very awkward to say that, but it's true.

We went to the office where we enrolled last week and they gave us our locker number, map of the school and our schedules. We compared our schedules.

"Well sis, it looks like we have Chemistry together." Said Tyler. "and I have English Lit with you." Kyler added.

"That's cool, at least we all have lunch together." I said. We parted ways as my classroom was opposite of theirs. I still had 10 minutes before the bell rings, so I went to my locker first. After I dumped my stuff in there, I stood there looking at the map. I didn't know where my classroom was, so I was trying to find it.

"Aha!" I shouted when I found where my classroom was. I was on my way to class and I was stuffing the map inside my bag. I wasn't looking where I was going and that's probably why I found myself on the floor rubbing my nose. Damn I felt like I bumped into a wall. I looked up to see what I bumped into. My eyes found piercing green eyes staring down at me.

The guy had brown messy hair and as mentioned before, green eyes. He had a jawline that looked sharp enough to give me at least a paper cut. He was wearing a grey fitted shirt which showed a faint outline of abs. Damn hottie much?

He was wearing black jeans and to top it off, a black leather jacket.

Hold up. A guy wearing almost all black? This must be one of those emo dudes.

I stood up and was about to apologize seeing as I was not watching where I was going, when he glared at me.

"I'm so-"

"Are you fucking blind?!" He boomed. Good thing there was no one else since the bell already rang or else this would have been embarrassing. "What the hell were you doing, If you're doing something while then don't walk. Are you that stupid?" He kept ranting.

"Hey! I'm sorry ok! But this is also you're fault. Yes I wasn't watching where I was going but how about you huh? Did you not see me? Are you blind?" I glared at him. "You're the one talking about watching where you walk but how the hell did you bump into me if you were looking?" I was breathing heavily after telling him off. He stared at me in shock but I was so angry that I didn't wait for his reply and shoved pass him to get to class

"What an ass." I muttered under my breath.

Great, now I'm gonna be late.


First period was boring and the teacher wasn't even there. What kind of teacher is absent on the first day of school?

Currently I'm on my way to my second class. When I got inside the classroom, I saw Tyler sitting at the back talking with a of guy. He saw me and wave his hand telling me to come there. I sat in front of him and turned around to talk to him.

"How was your first class?" He asked me.

"Boring," I muttered, "What about you?"

"It was fine, I made friends." He said, "Oh yeah, Zoey meet Josh. Josh this is my sister, Zoey."

I waved at josh and he smiled at me. Before I could talk more, the teacher came in. "Good morning class. I am Mr. Harris your Chemistry teacher." He quickly explained the rules in his classroom then let us do anything. He then sat down on his desk and was doing something on his laptop. I just went on my phone and was chatting with Michelle, my best friend back from home. About 30 mins in the class the door opened. I was busy on my phone so I ignored it, but I noticed that the class became silent. I looked up and saw that it was the guy I bumped into a while ago.

"Ah, Mr. Thompson how nice is it for you to join us. I'll let this pass. Now go find a seat and sit down." The class slowly began to talk again, and I went back on my phone. Suddenly, a bag was dropped to the floor and 'Mr. Thompson' sat beside me. I glanced at him and went back on my phone. But as usual, my oh so friendly brother tapped his back. "Hey man, I'm Tyler."

"Zach" he said then put on his earbuds and closed his eyes. I looked at Tyler and raised an eyebrow. He just shrugged and went back to talking to Josh. Soon, the bell rang, and students were out of the classroom. Tyler waved at me as he was leaving. I was still finding my schedule as I forgot what my next class was. I was about to leave when I noticed that Zach was asleep. I debated if I should wake him up or not. On one side I should wake him up because he would be late for his next class, and it would be embarrassing for him if the next class found him like this. But on the other hand, he's an asshole. In the end, the good side of me won and I found myself tapping his shoulder.

When that didn't work, I shook him slightly and called out his name. When he still didn't wake up, I shouted his name, "Zach!"

His eyes popped open and he was still dazed, he looked around and soon his eyes found mine.

"What do you want?" He said flatly.

"The bell rang already." I stated tightly.

He's so rude.

"Oh, yeah well, thanks or whatever." He said then stood up, grabbed his bag then walked out the classroom. Leaving me annoyed at him. I just rolled my eyes and was soon on my way to the next class.


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Hopeless xx

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