Part Four:

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"Bellamy... Bellamy..." Clarke pleaded for him as he shook violently in his sleep. Angry, scared, slurs coming from his sleeping mouth. "Clarke, no!" He yelled, still deep in his nightmare. "Bellamy, wake up!" She yelled. Finally, his eyes opened just slightly. Despite it being cold outside, he was sweating. "Hey, hey, Bellamy. Are you okay?" Clarke asked as she moved pieces of his hair from the sticky sweat on his forehead. "Yeah.. I'm... Sorry." He said as he sat up, mind coming back to reality. "Don't be. You - what were you dreaming?" She asked. They usually didn't venture into telling each other about their nightmares, but when he said her name - yelled it actually - Clarke became curious. "I... Don't mean to pry, but you said..." "It's okay. It was you. We were back in Mt. Weather, and Cage found you and..." Clarke looked into Bellamy's deep brown, sleepy eyes and felt a warmth in her heart as she placed her hand in his. She'd almost always felt a burning sensation when they'd had skin-to-skin contact. It was like when you touch something so cold that it almost felt warm. "It's okay, Bellamy. I'm right here." She said. He instinctively started rubbing soft circles on the back of her hand, she wondered if he knew he was even doing it. "I know, I know. Thanks, Clarke." He said smiling at her, she smiled back, and the two of them fell back down and slowly fell back to sleep. Their hands still intertwined.

"Um, Bell?" There was a pounding on the door, and Octavia's familiar voice yelling for Bellamy. He had just woken up, and to his surprise, Clarke wasn't there. "What is, O?" He asked as he unlocked the door for Octavia. "Jesus Bellamy, I've been trying to get you to wake up for like 20 minutes!" "Sorry, O." "You should probably come out here and defend your girl, Jasper has been taking shots at her all morning." Bellamy hardly heard the last few words before he was heading out the door. Octavia was rolling her eyes as she followed him.

"I'm sorry, Jasper! What more do you want me to say?!" Clarke was yelling.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, Clarke. You murdered my girlfriend!" He was slurring, and he had a drink in his hand, as if he needed any more.
A few seconds later Bellamy came around the corner and got into Jasper's face, "That's enough!" He yelled. Jasper backed down, but the anger never left his face. "Boyfriend Bellamy to the princess's rescue." He spit out. Bellamy rolled his eyes, "You need to take a break Jasper." He said as his eyes fell on the drink in Jasper's hand. "Don't tell me what to do." "Okay, okay, that's enough." Raven said as she came around the corner. She grabbed Jasper's arm and he went with her willingly as he glared at both Bellamy and Clarke.
"Don't listen to him, Clarke." He said. But he could tell she had already let him get to her. There were tears in her eyes. "Hey, hey, don't." He said as he closed the distance between them and pulled her in for a hug. He almost forgot that they weren't alone, and that more than a few people were watching as they held onto each other. "Get a room!" Octavia yelled as she met Lincoln at a table across the room. She had a smile on her face though, and so did Lincoln. Clarke pulled away from Bellamy as she gave him a thankful nod. He nodded back as he followed her to go get food.

They had fallen into a routine; they would sleep next to each other, closer than before, but still never touching. Until one of them - or sometimes both - would wake up from a nightmare, and somehow the only way they could fall back to sleep, is if they were touching. Holding hands, or with Bellamy's arm around Clarke's waist. They didn't think much of it, or at least they tried not to, just chalked it up to being best friends. That's what best friends do right? In the mornings they would come out, get food, hang with a few of their friends, get ridiculed by a few, and then end up back in bed by the end of the night. The cycle went on and on for weeks until finally someone had the balls to ask them about it.

"So, what the hell is going on with you and my brother?" Octavia asked Clarke one day when it was just the two of them and Raven.
Octavia had finally "forgiven" Clarke. It wasn't so much that she had forgiven her, and more she just needed friends again.
"Wha - nothing?" Clarke asked, clearly confused.
"Oh come on Clarke, we aren't blind." Raven said as she stuffed bread in her mouth.
"There's nothing going on. We sleep in the same room, so what?" She questioned.
"People have walked in on you two on multiple occasions 'cuddling'." Octavia said as she cringed.
"So... Isn't that what best friends do?" Clarke asked. Raven let out a howl of a laugh.
"What?!" Clarke asked. She was too confused and Raven and Octavia couldn't help but laugh.
"Clarke, can I tell you something without you freaking out?" Octavia asked. Clarke nodded, her pulse racing.
"My stupid, idiot brother is head over heals for you. I think he has been since that time you crashed into his arms." Octavia said as she read the realization on Clarke's face.
"What... No... He... We're..." Clarke tried to come to terms with what the beautiful brunette had just said, but she couldn't.
"Girl I don't know how you haven't realized it yet. You know he hasn't even looked at another girl in months." Raven said.
Clarke's eyes were filling quickly with tears, and she had no idea why.
"Shit, she's freaking out." Octavia said to Raven.
"You knew she would."
"Yeah, but I didn't expect her to cry."
"It's Clarke, of course she'd cry."
"I can hear you guys..." She said as she glared at the both of them.
"So... Whatcha gonna do about it?" Raven asked nonchalantly, as if this wasn't going to completely change Clarke's live.
"What are you three talking about?" The freckled boy said as he walked up to their table. Raven and Octavia burst out in laughs, something none of them had done in months, something that made all of their hearts swell.
"Nothing." Clarke said, making sure the other two wouldn't say a word.
"Hm... Okay." He said. Clarke stood up, it was night and she was tired and she knew that's why Bellamy had come over.
"Goodnight." Bellamy said as he placed a kiss on the top of his sisters head.
"Have fun." Raven winked at them.
"I'll kill you." Clarke mouthed to her. Raven just smirked and put more bread in her mouth.

"What was that about?" He asked.
"Nothing." Clarke said as they crawled into their bed.

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