May 25th, 2016

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I know I promised I'd update more, and it's been a month! So here is a list of things that have happened that have kept me really busy since I last updated.

1.) Three days after my last update was my brother's birthday. Peter turned 17.

2.) My Aunt and Uncle visited from Florida and I haven't seen them in 4 years. It was great to see them, and they're currently talking about moving back up north.

3.) My Birthday. I just turned 15 on May 9th, and I was going to update, but I was really busy.

4.) My Chorus Concert and Chorus Banquet. The concert went very well. We did amazing and all sounded beautiful. And the banquet was a lot of fun, lots of dancing and music, and just a great time hanging out with my friends. I brought a "date", meaning I just brought Meghan as a friend.

5.) Girl Scout Camp. A lot more stressful than it sounds. Immediately after the banquet, my Mom drove me and Meghan there, and we didn't get there until almost midnight, and had to be up by seven the next morning...not fun.

6.) A girl in my grade committed suicide. A lot of my friends were close with her. And I wish I knew her better.

7.) Seniors are leaving. Saying goodbye is very hard.

8.) Melissa and Q kissed. And I do and don't like Q like that. I'm happy for them, I'm just a little...sad, I guess. But I'll get over it soon, I knew this was coming for a long time.

9.) More personal thins that I am not willing to share.

Here we go with today....

How is it even possible I wore almost the exact same outfit I did on this day last month? Just a different pair of jeans. And I had rice pilaf for breakfast...again. And I almost missed the bus...again. New: I actually showered in the morning. I usually shower at night. I think my hair looks better when I shower in the morning. So after barely making the bus, I talked with Juliette and Ryan (who actually managed to make the bus this morning). Once at school, we went our separate ways and I met up with Amelia and Cassia. We talked more about what Seniors do on their last day at our school. They mark people. And at the end of the day, whoever they "marked" (writing their name on someone's arm), they either prank or present with a gift. And guess who marked me: Cole. Although, I will say our friendship has been growing a lot more in the past few weeks than ever. So that happened. Yay me! I also chatted with Jackie, Meghan, Melanie, Stephanie, Leo, Q, Dorian (Dorian and Q aren't speaking (Dorian and Melissa used to date, and to have Q, his best friend kiss Mel, not fun)), Matt and Trina. So social this morning. Q and I talked about the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas (read it! amazing read!), and I just floated around between my friends. In homeroom, I did absolutely nothing, just played games on my computer. Penny and I walked up the stairs and smelled a stink bomb the seniors released. Thank you, now get out please seniors! In History, we were learning more about the Vietnam war from the world standpoint (we finished Korea yesterday). I walked Matthew to his English class before going to Geometry. The Poll of the Day: The world is in chaos. You have no food and you find a dog on the street. Do you eat the dog? F*** no, you don't eat a dog. All I could picture was my dog's floppy ears. Gross. But that sparked an entire class debate. We took notes on the formula of a circle (x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2. Fun! We got an assignment and Brian and I compared answers (we've actually been getting along for the past week or so), and he helped me with what I didn't understand. An he didn't treat me like a child this time. And Theo annoyed me, like usual. In Spanish, I talked with Noah for a little bit. In class, we had to speak Spanish for an entire 15 minutes in groups, and I was paired with Talia and Willow. It was awkward, but fun at the same time. In English we continued with more Romeo and Juliet (its so pathetic). Anna was Juliet, and she really played it up, it was so funny. After that, I walked Melissa to her math class and went to Double Biology. Hannah and I worked on our study guides for our quizzes tomorrow. Brian asked me questions (he helps me in Math, I help him in Bio, its kind of demented, kind of nice (for me)). Break time, I went to see Matthew to pay him back for the water he bought me. When he finally took my money, He threw it back at me. Most of it got down my shirt. When I met up with Q in the hallway, we laughed about me feeling violated. When Q went into his class, Hyde and Henry were teasing me that he was my boyfriend. HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND. I mean, he kissed Mel. I like him, but I can't do that to Mel, and its obvious he just sees me as a friend. He very much likes, if not loves Melissa. And I've known that for a while and I've been denying it. So we went back in the room and went over the study guide (which Hyde and Uriah were the only ones to have started it), and I was feeding Brian answers. During a review game, Hannah and I were whispering and giggling, writing messages down on our wipe boards. Me: I don't know how you'll take this, but I like (and then I drew an arrow in Brian's direction).  She wrote his real initials obviously, and I nodded. Then she whispered that she used to have a crush on Hyde. We spent the rest of the period giggling about boys and winning the review game (let's face it, we're freshmen and we're smarter than sophomores in that class. We both have 98's, (the classes top grade), and there are some people in that class that have a 62. It's an honors class. People shouldn't be in an honors class if they fail EVERY TERM!). At the end of the day I hugged Cole and Amberly goodbye. Cole pranked me. He went to hit me, then just cradled my head and pulled me in for a hug. So a gift too. I am going to miss them so much. Q walked me to the door and I got on the bus. On the bus, Theo and Ryan annoyed me, and Peter well, Peter was Peter.

That's it. I'll try to update more.

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