One Week later...

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Kay goes to get Roxanne a pregnancy test. Roxanne goes to the bathroom and tests it. It comes out POSITIVE! She's having a baby! Kay calls Roxas he bikes right over. He looks at the test and looks at Roxanne he looks like he's about to cry... She goes over and hugs him. He smiles and cries a little. He's happy.

But then Kay freaks out a little and says, "Wait! What about Amy? She will kill you! You're only 17 YEARS OLD!!!! You're not even done with High School!"

Roxanne starts to panic, then says, "I know! I'll tell her after our baby is born. Till then I'll tell her that I'm a full time after and before school babysitter for Deo. She's GOT to buy that!"

Roxas gives Roxanne his phone, she calls her mother. "Hello... mom? It's Roxy. Yeah I'm great... schools great... um Chris hired me and Roxas to be FULL TIME babysitters for his younger brother Deo... Same as Lillyanna... maybe younger... yeah... no thank you i'm fine... i have clothes over there... yep... okay thanks... love you too mamma... ok bye."

Roxanne looks at them with a sour face. Then smiles and says, "SHE SAID YES! But Roxas you still gotta tell Chris and them... they will kill us probably BUT they deserve to know."

Roxas calls Chris first sense his mom is at work. "Hey dad... yep we are good... look, um Roxanne is Pregnant... no not yet... thanks sooo much... yep love you to... bye." He hangs up the phone and looks at Roxanne and says, "He's gonna tell my mom and mom. Otherwise he's chill with it."

Then Kay's boyfriend, Kyle comes in. They kiss and Kyle says, "I remember you from somewhere didn't you have purple bangs? And longer hair? Then blonde and pink peek-a-boo? I forgot your name though... Didn't you also have the boyfriend that killed himse-"

"Okay thats enough" Roxas said as he felt Roxanne's grip on his hand and arm get tighter. "Her name is Roxanne my girlfriend"

"Oh I get it you get a guard dog for a boyfriend. Then get knocked up. And expect me not to tease you this is priceless smile" he takes a pic of her when she's about to cry and so pale she looks like a ghost, she's scared. "This is going on instagram. Now oh what's wrong? Are you scar-" Kay covers his mouth so he can't talk anymore.

"Well then we can talk now can't we?" Roxas's voice scares Roxanne a little more. He looks at her and INSTANTLY gets pissed. "Nigga you done yet? She is perfect no matter what you say will ever change my mind about her! I love her! Now, do you wanna fight?" Kyle shakes his head 'no'. "Didnt think so." Roxas snaps.

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