Bonus: Some character art!

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The three main characters: Aster, Wren, Senya

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The three main characters: Aster, Wren, Senya.

This is going at the start of the book, so I should do little bios, huh?

Aster Hirsha-LoAnn: A bit of an emotionally repressed girl with a strange past. Likes computers, books, and keeping to her self. Struggles to communicate with people and express and read emotions. Adopted, vaguely appears to be from the south.

Wren: Aster's best friend. An artist from a very prestigious family. Gay in a society that isn't particularly welcome to that, even if they aren't fully hostile. Rather unsure of himself. Native to Baased.

Senya: A wandering thief from the south. Hard to read, with the tendency to lie and change himself according to who he is talking with. An easy smile hides a dark past.

Notable: Senya wears gloves, and I forgot to give him them.

Notable: Senya wears gloves, and I forgot to give him them

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Two more important characters. There's about to 2 or 3 other main characters, but they are hard to draw! I may update with drawings of Silan and Lailah, but Artemis, the third of the above trio, is downright impossible for me to draw (robot face! beard!!)

Eii: An enthusiastic alien who loves bright colors and dangerous monsters. Of unknown origins, and with a habit of referring to herself with plural pronouns. Does not get involved much in the world, but is a friend of Ikina's, and enjoys watching.

Ikina: The great god of Aster's planet, Daliis. A shapeshifter with no preference for male or female, or any particular shape. The closest thing they have to a 'true' form is a narrow eyed haired blonde man in dark suit. Extremely powerful, of course, capable of creating life, teleporting anywhere, granting vast powers, and complete immortality.

Artemis: A half robot-faced man with purple hair, purple eyes, and a spaceship. Ikina doesn't trust him. There's probably a good reason for this.

Lailah: The god of the earth, a kind woman with a few freaky habits.

Silan: The god of the ocean, a stiff man who doesn't care for much.

Another Eii! Her hair is hard to draw with hard lines, so I don't

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Another Eii! Her hair is hard to draw with hard lines, so I don't. It's a bit of a trend for me.

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