Are You There God? It's Me, Raven

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Raven's PoV

We were walking outside, just looking at each other.

Beast Boy wanted to eat pizza, so he invited outside, as he put it in, "like a date". I was so nervous, even though our "date was just going out for pizza. He even forced me to take off the hood.

Finally, BB broke the silence.

"Did I ever mention that you have shining violet eyes?"

I blushed so hard, I tried to put my hood back on, but Beast Boy stopped me.

"Don't. You look great without your hood off."

Is this a contest about making me blush the hardest?

We arrived at the pizza place, and went to take seats for two. Then he starts to ask me questions.

"What were you doing in your room? Reading those new books you bought from the mall?"

"No. I actually went to visit Nevermore." I replied.

Beast Boy's eyes widened. "Isn't that your mind? Why didn't you even invite me?"

I just rolled my eyes. "It's private."

"Oh." Beast Boy said. "Anyways, why do you like to read books?"

"It's kind of like watching movies." I explained. "Except no pictures. So you can imagine the movie in your mind."

Beast Boy just looked at me like he was amazed or something. "Woah, I always thought books were boring."

"That doesn't mean you will read those, right? Well except for comic books." I said to him. He just smirked and placed his arm around my back. When am I going to stop blushing? Please say right now, God.

I don't really worship God, but there are times when I want to talk to him and talk about my feelings. And right now I wanted to plead about stopping my face flush.

But with the things that happens next, I spoke too soon.

The pizza arrived, and from the looks of it, it was four cheese(sorry I like four cheese.) I looked at Beast Boy and he returned a smirk. Why is he smirking these days?

We grabbed a slice of pizza. And it was the same slice, so his hand was on top of mine. I then took the hand away. Way to go, myself.

We ate the pizza, talked about the remaining three, their missions, and their love life. We were laughing when the talk about Cyborg and Bumblebee came in. Beast Boy was even more surprised when I was laughing more than I've ever laughed before. It goes there again!

We paid the pizza, and went out of the pizza place. Then we went down the park.

"Wanna go there?" Beast Boy asked, and I just nodded. He grabbed my hand and led me around.

Hidden by some trees, there was a simple swing. Beast Boy let me sit down there and he went at the back. Knowing what he was gonna do, I held to the strings and he pushed. Lightly, but enough to make me feel like I'm on air.

"Hey Beast Boy?"

He stopped pushing me.

"Thanks for today."

He smiled his big, goofy grin, and pushed me again. This time, high enough to reach the stars. I didn't shout at him, because I needed to be as high as I can.

Are you there God? It's me, Raven.


Are u there God? It's me, PollenNAlinah.

*and now AshantiJulia28 throws tomatoes at me*

I updated! Yay! I was focused on updating my other story, since I got sick and didn't do my promise. Plus, it was the last chappie of that book. But here it is. Sorry if it's short, even if it's still 500 characters. I felt it was.

I dedicate this chappie to AshantiJulia28 because she saw my stories and thought I was amazeballs! She beg me to update Terrified and here I am!

Also, sorry for the Are You There God It's Me Margaret references. I'm a Catholic, I have to read the Judy Blume book for next year's book reports, plus I've been listening to the Broadway Shrek soundtrack while writing this.

Keep Calm And Sing It Loud!(oh wait wrong fandom)


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