You're Back! Part One

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Raven's PoV

I set the banner on the roof, with the words, "Congrats RobStar!" in pink and red letters while Beast Boy took out the cake.

Of course, Beast Boy suggested to throw a welcome home slash congrats for capturing the Spinner guy. I told him to buy a long banner, but Robin and Starfire couldn't all fit in the banner, even if you shorten "Congratulations" to "Congrats". So I thought of using their ship name in the banner for it to fit. We also have tons of food. We came from ordering pizza to baking a cake. It's like someone's birthday if you ask me.

All of a sudden, the door opens.

"Friends! What is the commotion in the room?" Starfire asked, looking around the room. 

"Yeah, what's with the, uh...Congrats RobStar banner?" Robin added awkwardly, blushing too much.

"Oh yeah, we wanted to celebrate your victory with Spinner! I mean, he's a new villain and he left a mark on our first fight." Beast Boy explained.

" want cake?" I pointed to Beast Boy, who was smiling like a doofus, holding up a two layered cake, with two different colors, red and pink. It had also spelled letters on top, that said "VICTORY!"

"Oh yes! It certainly looks delicious!" Starfire said in happiness, clapping.

"We also have pizza and mustard." Beast Boy said, pointing to the five boxes of pizza with some mustard and hot sauce. Wait, who uses hot sauce in the group?

Starfire went to the pizza boxes and opened one of them, while Robin went to me.

"I'm telling you Robin, no crime happened while you're gone." I told him, before he could say something.

"I wasn't asking about the crime in the city." Robin said. "I wanna know what happened inside the tower."

"What? What do you mean with 'inside the tower'?" I questioned, confused with what he was saying.

"Are you saying that you and B didn't have a fight?" He observed, not believing. I nodded.

"No, we actually got along. In fact, he took me out for pizza." I mentioned those events while looking at Beast Boy, who saw me and winked. I blushed, because why would he wink?

Robin, was confused. Until he got the signals, in the wrong way.

"Hey, I smell love, ya know?" Robin punched my arm lightly. I blushed, with Robin thinking that BB and I are a thing.

"Don't push it." I suggested to him. I didn't notice though that Starfire was listening.

"Boyfriend Robin, tell me, what is this it? And what does Raven mean by not pushing this it that you're talking about?" She asked innocently. I just chuckled, knowing that even if it's already years since we formed the Teen Titans, she's still somehow new to other Earthly stuff.

"Oh, we were just thinking about the things that would happen if Rae and BB got toge-Ow!" He screamed as I slapped his head with my magic to stop him from talking. However, Starfire got the message, and Beast Boy went to us.

"Hey dudes! Whatcha talking bout'?" He asked, holding a box of pizza. I took a slice and ate it. Mmmm, cheese(Sorry I just love cheese.)

"Oh friend Beast Boy! Tell me, do you like friend Raven?" Starfire asked, hoping for the answer. I facepalmed myself. Starfire can't always contain herself.

"Uhhhhhhhh..." Beast Boy grew nervous and he started to blush a tint of pink. I pretended to not care and just look at him, but my emotions, mainly Happy and Passion, were squealing.

All of a sudden, someone was calling us in the screen. Robin went and answered it, and there we saw Cyborg's face.

"Oh friend Cyborg! How glorious to see you!" Starfire greeted.

"Hey Star! You and your boyfriend returned already?" Cyborg smirked. Robin blushed, and good thing they were official already, cause if they weren't, then Robin would shout "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" then Starfire would be confused, then stuff will happen.

"Yes! We have finally kicked the butt of Spinner!" Starfire cheered!

"That's good! Because I finally fixed the security system of the Titans East tower, and I can come home!" Cyborg announced, which made me smile. Finally, things will be back to normal.

But will Gar and I be back to normal?

I hope not.





Have you heard Olivia's Holt Phoenix yet? If you haven't, go check it out! But if you did and you hate it, then there must be something wrong with you, because it's seriously on fire!

It's Chappie Twelve! My favorite/lucky number! And it's lucky because this story has now 300+ views!

I thought that I would publish this tomorrow, probably because I was visiting another fandom called #heyarnold and decided to stalk some #arnoldandhelga stories for the #oneshots book I was also writing. But I did today! I have doubt though tomorrow, because I will be writing the new chappie of my oneshots book. If I don't update tomorrow, expect Saturday then!

So now, lemme take a bath.

Keep Calm And Let Them See You Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiise



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