You're Back! Part Two

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Beast Boy's PoV

"Welcome back, Cy!" I screamed at his face. He moved back, trying not to be deaf.

"What's with the party? My birthday isn't until next month?" Cyborg asked with complete confusion.

"Actually, I don't know. Advance?" Robin smiled. Cyborg looked to the banner, which was actually the banner we used for Robin and Starfire. Except that we cut out blue letters and spelled out Cyborg. Cyborg then noticed the food.

"Ooooh! What are these?" Cyborg looked in awe with the variety of food on the table.

"Oh yes! We have the cake, the steak, the barbecue, the glorg, and many many more!" Starfire showed the food to Cyborg, who was already drooling. 

He grabbed a knife, a fork, and a plate. "Let's do this!"

As soon as he started to eat, Raven went to me and whispered, "No more leftovers." I just chuckled and ate my popcorn.

"Booyah! Beat you again grass stain!"

Cyborg started to get up and dance around, celebrating his victory in Ninja Sakuri Moves Three. I wasn't reacting, probably because I saw it coming.

"Hey, Cyborg, can I ask you something?"

He stopped dancing and looked at me.

" Bee, right?" I asked him. He started blushing like crazy and sat down.

"Um, I don't know, maybe, I guess?" He answered, scratching the back of his head. "Why are you asking this? You saw Terra again, didn't you?"

I shook my head, probably because it still hurts. Terra never remembered anything that happened between her and the Titans, and between me and her. I chose to let it go, but there are times that I think about it and start to tear up.

"No. I was actually wanted to talk about..." I bit my lip, from the nervousness. Cyborg raised an eyebrow.


"And you have a crush on her?" Cyborg guessed. I nodded.

"BOOYAH! Robin owes me twenty bucks!" He cheered. My mouth hang wide open.

"Dude! You actually made a bet with Robin about me and Raven?" I argued. 

"Well, the day when we encountered Spinner, I thought you were crushing on Raven. Robin did not believe me, and we made a bet." Cyborg explained. "Oh, he's not gonna believe this!"

"Dude! I'm not finished!" I told him. "I want to ask her out on a date."

"Wait, what? Are you kidding?" Cyborg hollered through the room. I grabbed and shhhhhed (is that even a word?) him.

"How are you gonna ask her that won't make her reject?" Cyborg questioned.

"Exactly my point!" I said. And he was right. Raven often likes being alone. She rejects a lot of activities, like going to the mall or playing Stankball.

"How did you even ask Terra?" Cyborg said. 

"I don't know. I don't remember." I replied. Everything seems hopeless. But wait...

"I know it!" A lightbulb popped on my head and I stood up, feeling smart.

"What are you gonna do B?" Cyborg looked at me.

"Look, I asked Raven before-"

"WOAH! Wait, you did? When, Where, Why, How?" Cyborg interrupted.

"Yes, The day before yesterday, I took her out for pizza and went to the park, I wanted to eat outside, and I don't know, I just asked her and she said yes. Does that answer your questions?"

"Yes. But that doesn't explain why Raven would say yes." Cyborg wondered. Then he starts to smirk.


"Oh well, you know?" Cyborg said. "Maybe Raven likes you?" My eyes start to widen.

Raven, likes me? Out of all people? That's impossible!

"Nooooo, of course not! She only agreed to that because it was just a friendly hangout, if I ask her out on a date, she will think I like her and shut me down!" I sighed. 

"Look, it's impossible Raven would have agreed to go out, especially with you. I think you should just say that the date is, y'know, friendly, a friendly date." Cyborg suggested.

"Dude, every date is just for couples!" I said. Cyborg just rolled his eyes.

"Look, just ask her out and see what happens?" He insisted. Another lightbulb popped in my head.

"Thanks for the advice." I stood up and went out of the common room as Cyborg continued to play video games.

"Raven? Are you in there?"

Raven went out of the room. She still looked beautiful...


"What do you need?" Raven asked, with no emotion.

"Well..." I tried to keep it together, but the words won't come out of the mouth. Rae just raised an eyebrow. I took a huge breath and...

"Willyougooutonadatewithme?" I said fast.

"Garfield! Slow down, what do you want?"

"Will you, go out, on a date, with me?" I looked down. I was prepared for Rage to control her mind and be beaten up and thrown out of the tower.

"Beast Boy, I..."


List of the the wrong spelling of Cyborg I typed in this chappie:





Cliffhanger! Sorry but I had to. Also I won't update neither tomorrow nor Sunday, so you have two days to come up with what will happen. 

Sorry, but, I can only update one chappie tomorrow because of family stuff, and I need to update the Oneshots book. On Sundays I go to my brother's house, and I'm lucky if I ever update it on Sunday because my nieces are CRAYZAY. This is what you get when you come late to the family. Your brothers and sisters work, you're the only member studying, the eldest marries, and his/her children is the people who are closest to your age. You may be an aunt to them logically, but you're like a sister to them. But now, I'm a sassy and savvy adolescent girl and weird toy videos on Youtube and Peppa Pig videos creep me out.

#YoungestChildProblems #BornLateProblems

Keep Calm But I'm So Sick Of That Same Old Love


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