Believe me, if my dad wasn't so persistent on the idea of me becoming a doctor, I wouldn't even be going to college. But he thinks that if I don't go to college, I won't have a successful future at all. So technically, he's hoping I'll become a doctor, but he also just wants to A. avoid me working at a frozen yogurt shop when I'm thirty-years-old with three kids, or B. make my life a living hell. I'm an adult- I'm twenty- so I should be able to make my own decisions, such as whether I want to go to college or not, but nope, not for me, not today.

"Gwen, it's time to get up! We're leaving in an hour," my mom called from downstairs as I heard the banging of pots and pans below.

I let out a strangled whine as I rolled out of my bed and hit the floor with a thud, slowly picking myself up and trudging into my bathroom. I cranked on the water until it was scalding hot, and let me tell you, that woke me right up. And now I have lovely red patches covering my legs.

I ran my fingers through my semi-long, dark hair after I washed it and let the access soap slide down my curvy body, the hot water soon rinsing it off completely.

Once I dried my body, I put on a button-up flannel, black jeans and converse. I let my hair air dry, which made it look like messy beach waves. I didn't bother putting on makeup– well, I don't own any.

Once I was completely ready, I stepped down the stairs to be greeted by my six siblings and the aroma of pancakes.

Yes, six siblings. I have four brothers and two sisters. My brothers are Clark, Jack, Benjamin and Matthew. Clark is twenty-seven, Jack is twenty-five, Benjamin and Jack are twins and they're twenty-three. I'm twenty, of course, and my sisters Julia and Cassidy are sixteen and eighteen, Julia being younger.

"Hey, sis, saved you a seat," Matt called and I smiled, taking a seat next to him while my mom set a food-filled plate down in front of me.

I looked up to see Julia and Cassidy glaring at me and I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms as I examined their ratted bed hair and leftover makeup from the night before.

"May I help you, sasquatches?" I questioned.

Cassidy scoffed and Julia opened her mouth to, no doubt, give me a snappy reply, but our dad beat her to it. Of course, my dad was going to take my sisters' sides because he hates me just as much as I hate him.

"Gwendolyn, get rid of the attitude, now," he hissed at me and I glared at him as I felt Julia and Cassidy's smug stares directed at me. Ugh, I hate them.

"Alright, guys, let's all be happy. Don't wanna send Gwen off to college while we're all upset," Mom announced as she sat down at the breakfast table with us and I forced a smile at her.

Once we had all finished breakfast, I offered to help Mom wash the dishes, but she insisted I finish on the last of my packing.

Jogging up the stairs, I headed into my room and maneuvered my way around the stacked boxes, searching for one in particular. In black Sharpie was written Roselyn's Prized Possessions. I opened up the top, which was covered in old duct tape. Spotting the familiar November birthstone, my eyes watered as I clenched my teeth, my lips sealed. I unclipped the gold chain and wrapped it around my neck, watching the citrine stone hang loosely between my collarbones.

I noticed someone in my peripheral, and I looked up to see Matt. Matt's my best friend, out of all my siblings.

He gave me a sad smile and I forced one back. "C'mon, Gwen. We're getting ready to leave," he said, approaching me and squeezing me in a hug.

It took three trips from my room to my car to get all of the boxes inside the trunk, with the help of my brothers and my mom. My dad and sisters were finishing getting ready before they came outside to say their goodbyes, even though I knew they didn't want to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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