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THE SECOND TERM OF THEIR FIFTH YEAR WAS IN FULL SWING, BACK UNDER UMBRIDGE'S CONTROL. Blaire Hope was ready to drop out, getting real tired of the pink toad's face.The brunette witch stayed with the trio more often than she thought she should. She didn't find the need to be with her Slytherin friends-they never were that great of friends to her anyway. And with the infamous trio trusting her, Blaire finds herself more comfortable with them. She doesn't have to try to be this 'mean' person, she can just be herself.

Blaire Hope walked with Harry and Cho Chang, as she held her Dark Magic spell book in her hands. She didn't understand why she was walking with Harry and his two year long crush; Cho Chang. The brunette again felt the pang of jealously hit against the pit of her stomach. Blaire wanted to scream and hit her stomach repeatedly to stop having this feeling. Blaire wasn't jealous of Cho Chang. She didn't care that Harry was laughing with her. Blaire didn't care that Cho had kissed Harry at the last DA meeting. Regardless of what Blaire doesn't care about, she knows, deep down inside of her, she cares. But, her ego is too big to admit it.

"Harry, Blaire," Hermione shouted, with Ron running behind her, as they both pushed past people.

The two stopped as Hermione spoke up, "Hagrid's back."

A leap of excitement had sparked through Blaire's body. She enjoyed Hagrid teaching Care of Magical Creatures, she missed not having the half giant at Hogwarts.

The foursome ran down towards Hagrid's hut, stopping abruptly. "Why is Umbridge here?" Blaire whispered, as they hid behind the window.

The trio shrugged just as confused as her. They then turned back towards the window, able to hear what the two were talking about.

"I will say this one more time," Umbridge's sharp voice told him, "I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been," she demanded.

"I've told you. I've been away for my health," Hagrid gruffly said.

"Health?" Blaire mouthed, as she turned towards Harry.

"Your health?" Umbridge asked, not buying the excuse.

"Yeah. Bit of fresh air, you know."

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