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"WOW!" Barbie had said when he saw my text message.

"She doesn't like girls i hope you know." Barbie is a lady's man and aside from the common stereo type, he is the manliest man ever! He plays football, Hangs out with boys after school to game out on x-box and when it comes to the girls he is all the rage. Because I'm "dating" him, i too am all the rage, some chicks are jealous and others just want to be my friend but I'm a loner and i like it. I don't like being seen. I like being hidden and small, someone nobody  would look for.

  "I know this, but at least she wants to talk to me." I say turning my head upward in a huff. some girls were watching us, Barbie pretended not to notice and so did i. He took my hand and and kissed it. For a second i felt my heart drop and i felt guilty. I felt bad for him he hated hiding he hated it and even more so, he hated pretending to love it. I had no problem with it like i said before I'm glad i have a little to hide. I felt like my life was an open book and my this was one little secret, chapter missing in the book, a lost piece of the puzzle and i hope its never found. I enjoy my little secret, I hate that it hurts him though. I know he has a thing for equality, He's a Libra after all. He is all for equal rights and stuff like that.

     The girls looked away in a snicker and started pushing each other all the wile laughing and giggling. They eventually walked away.

"How do you know it was her? Even if it is her, how do you know she isn't just going to bully you for "dating"  me?" He put quotation marks around the word and whispered it. This made me mad cuz he know how i feel about her and he knows she isn't interested in stuff like that.

"You know better than anyone that she isn't a bully and she doesn't like you either, She likes Luke Martins from Gym A. You told me yourself." I said harshly and still had my head raised above his.

"OK! Fine whatever, if you get hurt don't come calling to me!" He barked and stormed away. I plopped down into my seat and put my hands on my head. I knew he made a good point, but i liked her and if it was her i had to see her.

           I left the lunch room and slowly made my way to each class daydreaming of what would happen at the bench grounds. I was worried that it wouldn't be her so i didn't get my hopes up. I simply could not control my excitement. I imagined her walking towards me with her ever graceful stride.

         She is beautiful inside and out and i don't think i will ever get over her.  By then end of school i was nearly running to the benches. I must have gotten there early because no one was around. I simply sat there waiting for a wile, when i suddenly heard the familiar sound of that wonderful stride of hers. "I'm sorry if you waited long." She peeped, it was an unusual sound coming from her. A Strong, firm, confident sound was what I was used to not this unsure, weak, unsteady one. but to be nice,which is all i ever wanted to be when around her, i said "no not at all! i came early is all. Hope you didn't feel rushed." I patted her shoulder witch seemed to tense at my touch. I hope it hadn't weirder her out. "No that's fine, Any way I'm glad you listened to the text, I was starting to worry it would rest on blind eyes." She let out a giggle at the end, not the giggle you get out of most girls that make them sound utterly ridiculous, but a real one, one that made you want to giggle along with, and that's what i did. After a couple seconds though, the wonderful sound stopped and her beaming smile faded away.

         " What was it that you asked me here for?" I asked stepping a bit closer. She looked around as if she was hiding the worlds largest secret that must be hidden from everyone but me.

"Oh i was just wanting to talk, that's all. You know we never rely talk." She said, looking at the ground. I stepped closer this time i was nearly toe-to-toe with her and i started getting butterfly's in my stomach! I felt even more silly than i did when i watched her from afar. "Oh? That's it? Well i have been doing... well fine a suppose, are you?" for some reason my mouth got all jumbled together and my tongue was decided to betray my mind today. Luckily for me she didn't pay attention to it and answered right away."Oh! I'm doing fine." she said as she looked at her wrist for the time. She frowned at it and it made me frown too even though i had no idea what it was we were frowning at. "I'm awfully sorry but i have to go now. We should totally hang out some time tomorrow though!" She said, She ever gracefully walked away with the smallest hint of a smile planted on her beautiful lips that weren't too full but not too thin, I bet they were soft too. And with that i too walked away with the glowing promise of seeing her again and when i do it wont be from the far.

I had to tell Barbie about our encounter! I was so excited that i nearly tripped in the hall, im sure people laughed but i didnt notice i was too happy.  "She giggled barbie! SHE GIGGLED!!" i squeeled when i got to his house. His mom isnt home to often so we get the house to ourselfs ussaly.  "Yup Yams ims ure she did, you know people do that right?" he said irritated. He was so uptight latley, he wasnt even happy for me! "Whats your problem huh?"  I asked him. "THe fact that your getting excited about something that isnt gonna happen yams! SHE IS STRAIGHT! Besides even if she wasnt, would you rely risk evrything just so you could date her?" He looked so dissapointed in me, he hast looked at me this way in long time.

I left his house feeling confused, he is sopesed to be there for me all the time but today he was short and rude. If anyone should be disapointed its me! My moms car was in the drive way,she's part of the church orginazation so she goes on all the volenteer work she can, which i dont mind it gives me more time for other stuff.I walked in to the house and yelled to my mom who was upstairs. "mom! im home." She likes to know when i get back so we can hang out. "yamora! im upstairs, come help with this real quick." I joged up the stairs and turned into her bedroom "whatcha got there mom?" I said not suprised but deffenetly intreged, she had some scolpture thing she was wrapping up in bubble wrap or mabey she was unwraping i wasnt quite sure the stuff was evrywhere. "Its something i got from church...isnt it nice? I brought it upstairs cuz i thought it would look nice in my room but im gonna put in the hallway insted. help me with this end." I grabbed the end of the stachue and carried it out with my mom who allmost squashed my fingers bringing it out! The rest of the night was cleaing the bubble wrap...well sort of we were rely just playing with it and popping it. Its hard to beleive this women dosnt belive in being gay.

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