Chapter 2: Sexy snotty little dipshit

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Three hours later, we were done with almost everything when Patricia decided to waltz in.

"Okay guys, chop chop. We only have like two hours to completely finish this whole thing, alright? I don't want anybody messing my day up anymore. Although someone already did, I'm not letting anybody ruin my night!"

"Relaaaaxe sis, everything's fine here. We only need to set up the photobooth and wait for the food to arrive. So just go to your hotel room and get your hair and make up done." Gideon said.

"Alright. But this better be done before 5:30 or else somebody's going to get my foot up their ass!" she said while she stormed away.

"Why can't I be an only child?" Gideon whined.

"You're eighteen years too late brother." Robbie joined in.

"Let's just hurry up before somebody's ass gets shoved with the debutante's pedicured foot. " I said.

--1 standing photobooth later--

"Photobooth. Check. Tables. Check. Stage. Check. Video Presentation. Check. Food. Almost there. Microphones. Check. Bonfire. Check. Are we forgetting something G? "

"The band?"

"Oh yeah, we'll call them down an hour before the party ends. Big surprise and all."

"Surprise? Patty doesn't know Fly Five's here?" Robbie asked

"Nope. Consider this as a redeeming feat for ruining her day." I said. Gosh, I hope this works. Gideon's been helping me get them for months since I had no idea how to reach them. I haven't even heard of them. Robbie said they opened for The 1975 last year in Coachella. Hence the theme.

"I better inform the guys about this one. Just make sure everything stays the way they are ,alright G?" I said while going for the reception area.

"Excuse me miss, I would like to give a call to Mr. Martin Harisson's room please. " Wow, I sound English.

"Okay, just a minute." The receptionist said.

"Alright, thank you."

Gideon informed me that Martin Harrison is Fly Five's manager. And older brother to Lee Harrison, Fly Five's front man. He's a pretty chill dude according to the tabloids. He was a child actor back in the 90's. Showbiz in the family runs deep, huh?

"Here you go miss. Just press 5".


I just realized I was gonna talk to a former child actor. A celebrity. I'm sure I'm not gonna screw this u-

"Hello?" a deep but pleasant voice answered.

"Uh hello, sir. Sorry to interrupt, I'm just calling in to inform the band that they will be called an hour before the party ends. I'm Amy Fisher by the way, the event organizer." I sounded rather unsure. WTF.

"You sounded rather unsure." See?

"My apologies sir."

"I'm just playin'! Haha Amy,right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well Amy the event organizer, the guys are practicing now. I'll be sure to instruct them. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome sir, have a nice day"

"Okay, you too."

When I went back to the garden, everything is completely perfect. And the food must've arrived while I was away. Now what to do...

"Amy dear, why haven't you dressed yet?"

And that was Aunt Millicent, Patty and Gideon's mom.

"Aunt Milli! When did you get here? I thought I was gonna fetch you from the airport?" I said while giving her a warm hug.

"I took the private plane. Riding first class every damn time kinda bores me." You read it right, they own a private frickin' plane ladies and gents. Aunt Milli owns a clothing line called "Cheri" so she gets to travel the world almost every month for promotions,fashion weeks and a whole lot more. Talk about living the glam life.

"Of course, first class sucks. Patty's upstairs in her room, getting ready."

"Already checked in on her. I just have to say this Amy, this party is absolument fabuleux !"

"Absolu-what ?"

"It's a shame Judy can't see this. She would've been so proud of you. " Aunt Milli sighed.

Aunt Milli, Aunt Lydia and my mom ,Judy are apparently sisters. They grew up with butlers and maids standing nearby and willing to serve. The three of them were expected to inherit their parents' vineyard but none of them wanted to do anything with it. My grandfather, Maxwell Banks, was a wine enthusiast and owns one of the most popular winery in California. Needless to say, my mom's family was and still is loaded.

"Yeah. She would've. Too bad soul searching in New Orleans is more important to her." I chuckled. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad she's not here with me. She's just a bit... eccentric. And as grand dad would say, she doesn't want to be chained in a single place.

"I suppose so honey. Now come on you need to get ready. Who knows, you might find someone worth a second glance." Aunt Milli gushed.

" Please, I've checked the guest list. Even their names sounded like they're snotty little dipshits." But who knows right ? Maybe I can find myself a sexy snotty little dipshit tonight.

Hi there readers! I am well aware that I didn't say anything to you in the beginning of my story and with that I am terribly sorry haha! Sooooooo anywho.... I'm kinda new to this author-reader interaction thing so I don't know what to say *cricket sounds* . I just dropped by to say thank you for giving my story a shot so cheers for you *clink* Stay tuned for the next chapter buuuut updates will be a bit slow *begs for forgiveness*. But I promise you, this story would be one heck of a ride! Cheerio!

                                                                - shadowkissed1724

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