Chapter 4: Maybe not life changing...

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1 :30 AM.

That's what the clock says.

I've been asleep for about less than an hour and my head is pounding. Atleast I think it is. Maybe it's the knocking from the other room. I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon if this is the case, my mind won't let me get back to sleep anyways. I'm fully awake. Damn it.

I thought about giving myself a tour around my suite but decided against it. The dim lighting prevents me from fully appreciating it, I thought. Maybe tomorrow.

I planned to just lay down on my bed until morning but something caught my attention. The sound of clinking glass, as if someone just put a bottle down on the floor. And the sound of keys, like someone's intending to make a song out of it. But I didn't hear it inside, it came from the balcony.

Could it be a burglar ? If that's the case, I don't have anything to fight with but the lamp beside my table. I should just hide in the closet and wait for him to go away, with the things he stole. My inner voice said otherwise. It could be Santa. Nice try, it's still November.

I hadn't realized I was inching closer and closer to the balcony until I felt a chilling breeze run past my face. When I moved the white translucent curtain aside, all I saw was a green hoodie draped on the rail of the balustrade. And I'm pretty sure it's not mine. I got outside, under the freezing atmosphere of the night and went closer to the rail. Maybe a guest left it before I got the room. That would be the most reasonable thought. This headache's just messing with my head, I'm just tired that's all. I should get back to-

" Can't sleep ?" a voice said, causing me to jolt to where it came from.

" Lee ?! " I gasped, clutching my chest.

" Hey." He said with a lazy smile. He was leaning against the balustrade of his own suite, his back facing the garden view in front of me. A bottle of what seems to be beer at hand and a bunch of keys hanging loosely from his fingers. He looked like he'd been out here for a while. With his brown curls resting on different directions,chapped lips and cold breeze plaguing the night, it's very hard to miss. Or maybe it's just the dim lighting.

" What are you doing here outside ? It's freezing." I said, with a slight shiver running down my back.

" Can't sleep. Coffee." He said while coming closer to my balcony. Now we're within talking distance.

All I managed was a barely audible "Oh". A comfortable silence just lay between us, and I'm glad it did. My mind's not in for a small chat as of the moment. We just stood there, occasionally looking at the starless sky. And him taking a swig from his bottle every now and then. I sneaked a couple glances at him, but I couldn't see his face because he somehow adjusted his position when I wasn't looking. After moments of glance-sneaking and "night-sky gazing", his voice broke the silence.

" Wanna go somewhere ?"

" What?" At this early in the morning?

" I said, do you wanna go somewhere?" he said rather impatiently. Maybe it's the alcohol talking.

" I dunno. Depends on how awesome that somewhere you're talking about." Man it's cold! I haven't even changed from my outfit in the party. This paper-thin shirt's gonna freeze my insides if I don't put a jacket on. Which reminds me....

" I'll take that as a yes. Come on."

"Hold on hot stuff, what makes you think I'll easily go with you ,huh ?" That'll make him think.

" Don't you think there's a reason we're coincidentally awake at this hour ?"

" And so you thought the reason is we should go on a pre-sunrise road trip to God-knows-where?"

" Maybe this is God telling you to live a little. And besides, you don't have anything better to do."

" You do realize I just met you less than twenty-four hours ago, right?"

" I do too.. What's a little risk, am I right? And I'm very confident you won't kill me."

" Oh and why is that?"

" Well, I'm utmost certain your cousin, Patty, is a big fan of our band. Killing the frontman would result of her killing you won't it? Not just her though, just a little tidbit of info." His band is on the rise but nonetheless, they've managed to lure millions of girls. He has an army of fangirls wanting my head on a stick if I tried. Not like I would, but who knows.

" Point taken, let's go." And then he chuckled. He made his way to the hallway, probably to wait for me but before that...

" Hey Lee!" I half shouted. He then turned and raised an eyebrow at me.

" Is this green hoodie yours?" I asked while picking it up.

" Yeah, it's mine. You can wear it if you want. I've been watching you shiver on the balcony, I don't want you shivering while we're out." He smiled and then proceeded to go out to the hallway.

We made our way to the parking lot without saying a word to each other. We passed by my Sienna mini van and then stopped a couple of cars down, infront of a jet black Volvo. It made a distinct click when Lee pressed his car key. So this is what he drives. Figures.

" Is this yours?" Because there's no way a nineteen year-old with no job but a band could buy this on his own.

" It's my brother's. Now come on, before he realizes his keys are gone." He chuckled and then sat himself on the driver's seat. I helped myself in the front passenger's seat and buckled up. I have no idea where he's taking me and I'm in no position to just go somewhere with someone I just met hours ago. But something just tells me this ain't gonna be so bad. My mom gets to have her adventure, now I got to have mine.

The clock on my phone read five minutes to two. And we're gonna be driving around Manhattan before even the sun's up. The car started moving towards the gate and proceeding to the dirt road leading to the highway.

"So where are we going?" I asked when we were already on the highway. It's almost two in the morning but Manhattan is still awake.

" You said it yourself, somewhere awesome." He said with a smile without taking his eyes off the road.

And at 2 AM, I knew this is gonna be one of the nights I would surely remember. Maybe not life changing, but will surely remember.

Heya boy and girls! I'm very sorry for the 2-day delay *rhyme tho* I just had a tinsy-winsy writers block and gosh it felt good uploading this chapter! I'm gonna work on the next one but I can't promise it won't be delayed. Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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