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jakie pov

I waited for the boys to get back then I heard the front door open. I walked out of my room and to the liveing room to be greeted by five other boys. Oh shit....

Harrys pov.

We walked into this very old fucked up house. Wow I can't believe she lives here. Well time to find our new girl then I turned around and saw this beautiful girl.

" Jakie?" I said to her " Yes" She replyed. I think i am going to faint she is so beautiful....

Zacharys pov

We walked into the new girls house to see her crying with her bags packed. It werid for me to say this but I feel bad for her.

My lord what is happening today?

Jakies pov

We all sat down on the old blue chairs. " So um.... Why are you here today?" "Well the one with curly hair said we are here to take you home."

What the fuck......

Hi teddy bears!!!!!!! i am going to bed i have school tomrrow!!!! It sucks :('! But i will be ok :)

bye have a great night/evening/morning/sleep/or whatever u are doing or time.....


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