Chapter 5: Meeting him

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Harry's POV
My eyes widen as I read that text message. I squeal and throw my phone at Niall and Liam. They give me a questioning look. They laughed as I rushed to the bathroom to clean myself up. Niall calls after me, " 'Arry! Slow down, you nerd." I wipe my face down and fix my hair in the mirror. Liam walks in the bathroom as well, and sits on the toilet, just watching me. "Stop staring, creep." Liam laughs, and Niall comes and sits on Liam. I laugh as Liam groans, "get off me." Niall shakes his head no, and Liam slumps back in defeat. "Do I look ok," I ask nervously. They nod, "you look good, Haz." I nod and wipe my shaky, sweaty hands on my pants. "I should probably clean up the food, huh?" They both nod, and I head out to clean the counter. I throw everything away, and wipe down the counter. I sigh and check my phone before I decide I should probably reply,

Okay! Excited to see you :)

I press send. I give myself a little pep talk. Just act cool. You're fine. Not like he's the most beautiful man ever. Just relax. Be your less weird self. I shake my head and sit on the stool. I try acting casual, and I fell out of my seat as the door opens.

Louis' POV
I watch as the man on the stool falls from his seat as we open the door, and I hear Zayn laugh. I giggle, covering my hand with my mouth at the man. I see the man scowl at himself, before he looks up. Our eyes meet, and I smile shyly at him. He smiles sheepishly, and waves slightly. "Oops," he says. I giggle, "Hi." Harry comes around the counter and stands in front of me. I stand on my toes to get a bit taller, and he laughs loudly at my action. Zayn coughs, and I jump, "Right! Uh, where's... Niall? I think his name is." Zayn laughs, "I like Liam way better." I wink at him and blushes red, "stop! That's not what I meant." I hum, "sure it isn't." I look at Harry again, he's staring straight at me. I shrug before tackling him with a giant hug. He sighs dreamily, and brings me flush to his body.

I hear multiple footsteps, and we are still in an embrace. I hear coughs, and Zayn squeal. "Liam!" I hear, I assume Liam, laugh, "Zayn! Bring it in." I let go of Harry and see them in a quick hug. "Ready to get your tat done?" He nods. I cough, "hi. I'm Louis," I stick my hand out and Liam shakes it. "Oh I know," he smirks. I tilt my head and Niall laughs before giving me a bro hug. "Well now that we are all acquaintances. I'm taking Zayn here to finish his tattoo. Niall, show Louis some designs." Liam states. Niall nods, but Harry pulls me closer. "No," he whines, "I want time with him." I laugh at his childlike behavior. Niall pulls me away, "he wants a tattoo, Harry. He didn't come for hugs and playtime." Harry frowns, and I speak up, "after maybe?" He nods and smiles brightly. Niall pulls me over to the counter, and I notice some drawings. I notice a stick figure on a skateboard. I laugh, and point to that. "I want that one." Niall looks up in confusion, "none of us drew that." Then looks up at Harry, "did you draw this?" Harry nods, "yeah. Why?" "I want it," I say. Niall pulls us back into his room, "alright, Harry, let's see how you do."

About 10 minutes of convincing, Harry finally agrees to do the tattoo. "But what if I mess up?" I laugh, "it's fine." He shakes his head no, "it will look bad." Niall says, "I'll be right here, I'll help."

40 minutes later

I look at the small tattoo, and honestly I love it. Harry looks at it and seems proud of it. "Alright, I'm assuming you know how to take care of it. I only assume because you're COVERED in them." I nod and walk to the front where Zayn and Liam are. I pay Niall, and I see Harry staring at me again. "Yes?" I raise an eyebrow. "Can we hang tomorrow? I mean I would ask today, but you just got a tattoo and you look tired. Are you not tired? God, I'm sorry for assuming. Are we not really friends? Oh my god. You don't even like me. I'm so stupid," Harry babbles. I frown and cover his mouth with my hand. "You're fine, Harry. Tomorrow is good. I'll text you, and you're not stupid." I give Harry one last hug, before saying bye.

As I get home, Zayn teases me about being mushy with Harry. I roll my eyes, and say the same thing with about Liam. We both say goodnight, and head to bye. Right before I go to bed, I text Harry.

Goodnight, curly. Nice meeting you.

I close my eyes, and hear a buzz. One last time, I look at the messages.

It was a lovely time meeting you.

I go to bed with a big smile on my face. I feel truly happy and free.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! They finally meet! I really hope everyone liked this chapter :) -Tory

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