Chapter 6: Date Time

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Louis' POV
I wake up and rub my eyes. I stretch my hand out onto my bedside dresser for my glasses. Everything looks blurry until I can put my glasses on. I look around and grab my phone which is lit up. "What the hell?" I thought. I groan and see it reads CurlyFry🤗. I smile and feel myself become less annoyed, because it's probably something cheesy.

Hello shorty! Hope you slept well :) hope you're still enjoying your tattoo. Anyways, let's hang today please!!!!

I snort before getting up and head towards the shower. Reminding myself to answer Harry after I'm clean and shaved. I whistle as the water heats up, and I hop it. About 10 minutes later, I get out and hear giggle coming outside the bathroom door. I roll my eyes, and wrap a towel around me. Beginning to blow dry my hair and I hear a crash. I run out and grab my towel so it doesn't fall. "ZAYN! ARE YOU OK?" I run into the kitchen, and see a naked Zayn making food. I stop in my tracks and sigh, "you ok, dude?" Zayn jumps and nods, "dude, I'm not turning around." I laugh, "good! So what's with this?" Zayn scratches his neck, "uh, I have someone over." I tilt my head in confusion, "who?" I hear a cough, and I slowly turn around to see a shirtless Liam. I gasp and grip my towel tighter, "wha-?" Zayn reaches towards Liam, who hands him boxers that were in his hand. Zayn puts his boxers on, and turns the stove off. "Uh, Louis, you know Liam." I laugh and nod my head, "yeah I know Liam. Not like you do, apparently" I laugh harder and Liam smiles brightly at me. "I'm going to put clothes on," I mumble. Zayn calls after me, "I got pancakes and an explanation when you are done."

Harry's POV
Liam didn't come home last night after his night out with Zayn, and I feel sorry for Niall. He seemed to be offended that Liam didn't tell him, but it's happening so whatever. I wait for Louis to answer me, because I want to hang out with me.. Like badly. I miss his sarcasm, his oceanic eyes, his little smile, his soft hair, his tiny body, the sweet smell of pine when we hug that comes off him. I just miss him. God, Harry, you sound obsessed. I groan and rub my face before running my fingers through my hair. I hear a buzz, and quickly open my phone. It reads from ShortFry💞.

What do you have in mind, curly?

I sigh happily before instantly replying,

It's quite a nice day, what do you say about going into London with me?

Louis answers,

Would love to, but I was thinking more of getting dinner together and playing some footie.

I gulp and wipe my sweaty hands on my shorts and reply,

I'm shit at footie

Louis replies and I smile,

Don't worry, curly :) I'm here to help you.

Louis' POV
I met Harry at the small park from the tattoo shop. I'm juggling the ball before letting it bounce and I kick it straight into the net. I hear grass crunch under me and I smile happily. I grab the ball, and I see Harry standing there. Pigeon-toed and all. I smile before running towards him, tackling him into a huge hug and we fall to the ground. Green and blue meeting, and I'm a bit breathless. "Oops," I say cheekily. He laughs loudly before smiling, "hi." I giggle and get up. I grab his hand and help him up, "ready to play some footie?" Harry shakes his head, "can't I just watch you?" I shake my head no, and I grab his hand. "Alright, just kick the ball." Harry goes to kick it and falls straight to the ground. I gasp and help him up, "it's ok, Harry. Try again." He tries again and falls again, and looks upset. I look at Harry, "you ok?" He sighs, "I feel stupid." I frown, and sit next to him, "you shouldn't be. You don't play normally, you'll be ok." Harry nods, "thank you." We stand up, and Harry tries to hype himself up. "Alright, curly, just kick it in!" Harry backs up before running, and kicks the ball. Swish! Straight into the net, and Harry is smiling wide. "HARRY, YOU DID IT!" We hug in celebration, before playing a bit.

About 30 minutes later, Harry's stomach growls. "I'm a bit hungry." I smile and nod. "Alright, let's go eat." Harry reaches for my hand, and we walk towards a small restaurant. Hand in hand, with big goofy smiles on our faces.

Harry's POV
We enter the restaurant, and I'm extremely giddy. After embarrassing myself, Louis still wants to be seen with me. I love how his tiny hand fits so well in mine. I hear Louis talking, and he tugs me to a table. We sit across each other, and handed menus. I smile and stare at Louis. I smile fondly at him, completely lost in his simplicity. The way he flicks his hair out of his face, scrunches his eyebrows when concentrating, even the way he stuffs his hand in his pockets when he's flustered. I'm quite observant of those I cherish and care for. Louis grabs my hand, and puts it up to his face. I burst into laughter and shake my head, "what on earth are you doing?" Louis smiles, "how are you so big? And I'm so tiny?" I grab his hand, "tiny works for you." He smiles and looks through the menu with his hand still in mine.

Dinner goes well and I find myself smiling more and more. I pay for us, although, Louis put up quite a fight. We walk back to his apartment, and he coughs. I raise my eyebrow and he scrunches his eyebrows. "What's on your mind?" I ask him. "Uh, did you know about Liam and Zayn?" He asks timidly. I ponder on this before nodding, "I knew of them hanging, but nothing else." Louis nods before grabbing my hand. I notice the desperate way he grips it, and I stop in my tracks. Louis stops and stares at me. I pull his small body into mine, "talk to me." He leans into me and sighs, "I feel like Zayn can't trust me." I tilt down to look at him, "please elaborate, because I don't quite understand." Lou sighs, "we've known each other only for a bit, and I feel like you trust me just as much as I trust you. Yet, with Zayn, I feel left behind. He just doesn't trust me with stuff like this. I'm his best friend supposable." I nod in understanding, "I'm sure that Zayn just felt that maybe you'd be uncomfortable. Regardless of everything, it may have happened too fast for them to understand." I feel Louis cling himself tighter to me, "you're right. Thank you." I smile and sway slightly. I hear Louis giggle and begins to sway with me. "I had fun today," Louis says softly. I smile and brush hair out of his face, "me too, shorty."

We walk the rest of the way to Louis' apartment before we face each other. "Thank you again. Next time, we go to London, ok?" I smile and nod, "works for me." I tackle him into a tight embrace as Louis hugs back just as tight. Louis grabs my face so we're inches apart. "I really enjoy your company, Harry." I smile, "I enjoy yours." He giggles and his breath fans my face. We hug one last time before saying goodbye.

As I enter my apartment, I sit down on the couch and smile wide. Niall comes in and asks me how it went, and I spill everything. Well, except the Liam and Zayn thing.. That's not my place. Right before bed, I get a buzz and see it's my phone. Louis posted a status:

Wish I knew how you felt about me

I took a deep breath and sent the riskiest status ever:

Wish I could have kissed you.

Louis loves the status before texting me;

Me too.

I smile wide and feel myself liking him more and more. I text Louis, one last time,

One day, I promise. :)

HELLO MY FRIENDS!!! HOW ARE YOU??? ITS BEEN A WHILE :) hope everyone is having a good summer break! I'll be updating more and more :) enjoy this very long chapterrrrrrr -Tory

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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