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Chozen1 New Status : Keep Calm and Carry On!

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and be the Chosen One!

Harryluver : Keep Calm and Love Harry!

WeazleyIsKing : Keep Calm and I do not accept your marriage

HarryLuver : Keep Calm and Shut Up Ron

VoldyMouldy : Keep Calm and kill Harry Potter

GryffindorKing : Keep Calm and Love Lily!

ILuvLily : Keep Calm and Love Lily!

OnlyGryffindor : Keep Calm and hex Snivellous for saying that!

ILuvLily : Keep Calm and Sectumsempra!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and Sev You Have Changed!

ILuvLily : Keep Calm and I Didn’t!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and Think About It!

ILuvLily : Keep Calm and I need Examples!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and You went over to the bad side!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and You Also practice Dark Arts!

GryffindorKing : Keep Calm and WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and Kick Snivellous Out of this Page!

GryffindorKing : Keep Calm and Good Job Harry!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and Don’t be too harsh on him Harry!

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and Mom, you don’t know how many detentions he gave me!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and DETENTIONS?!

GryffindorKing : Keep Calm and GOOD FOR YOU HARRY!

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and Thanks Dad!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!

BookWorm123 : Keep Calm and Read!

HarryLuver : Keep Calm and That is so Boring!

WeazleyIsKing : Keep Calm and LOVE YOU HERMIONE!

BlondeBeauty : Keep Calm and BACK OFF GIT!

BookWorm123 : Keep Calm and Why are we still talking in Keep Calms??

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and Because I’m the Chosen One!

HarryLuver : Keep Calm and when is this ending?!?!

VoldyMouldy : Keep Calm and Kill Albus Dumbledore!

IAmLMalfoy : Keep Calm and My Lord, Couldn’t it wait?

CoolestHeadmaster : Keep Calm and TRY DUDE!


MalfoyLuvzMe : Keep Calm and don’t worry Bella, I will have him back!

BlondeBeauty : Keep Calm and WHOOP MOM!

IAmLMalfoy : Keep Calm and I am still bad, I just love Alby Here!

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and GROSS!

GryffindroKing : Keep Calm and TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU SON!

OnlyGryffindor : Keep Calm and TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU GODSON!

MoonyMoony : Keep Calm and I AGREE WITH YOU TOO!

WormyTaily : Keep Calm and ME TOO!

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and GET OUT RAT!

WormyTaily : Keep Calm and BOO HOO!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and It’s okay Peter,  I understand.

OnlyGryffindor : Keep Calm and NEVER!

GryffindorKing : Keep Calm and GOOD JOB SON!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and You Two are so alike!

OnlyGryffindor : Keep Calm and WE ALL KNOW IT LILY!

GingerPotter : Keep Calm and YOU know it!

EdwardCullen : Guys Let’s not Fight! We should bake cakes with Rainbows and Unicorns and go skipping off towards the sunset while holding hands!

Chozen1 : Keep Calm and What are you doing here Cedric?

BookWorm123 : Keep calm and why is your name Edward Cullen?

BlondeBeauty : Keep calm and He doesn’t even go to Hogwarts!

ILuvLily : Keep Calm and Do you go here?

EdwardCullen : No, I just have a lot of feelings.


Random Facebook User : I wonder why J.K. Rowling took Twilight’s name... I mean like, Jacob Black was here first, then there was Sirius BLACK! I mean how pathetic! Like taking the name of one of the best characters in life! So plagerism!

JacobBlack : Um... Dude? I’m sorry, but Harry Potter was here first?


All other Harry Potter Characters: Keep Calm and YUP!

*Keep Calm and the Random Facebook User has been kicked of this chat!*

GingerPotter : Who did it?

MutherWeazley : I DID!

FemaleLongbottom : OMG YOU GUYS!

*GingerPotter, MutherWeazley and FemaleLongbottom are squealing like babies*

Everyone : *Facepalm*

*Chozen1 has kicked EdwardCullen and all other Twilight Members off this chat*

Bob : I can always come back you know?! (PS I’m Edward)

VoldyMouldy : AVADA KEDAVRA!

*Bob/Edward/Cedric : DEAD*

Everyone : YAY!

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