Your Surname=Soulmate's Surname

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WeazleyIsKing Status : Everybody Change their username to their soulmates surname! (This is going to be amusing)

RonaldGranger : Hermione?! I’m hurt!

HermioneMalfoy : I’m sorry, I just love Draco!

DracoGranger : Same here!

HarryWeasley : Love you Ginny!

GinnyPotter : Love you too!

LunaLongbottom : Oh Neville!

NevilleLovegood : Luna!

ChoDiggory : Cedric?

CedricChang : Cho!

LilyPotter : James!!!

JamesEvans : Lily!!!

SeverusEvans : LILY!!!!

LordNagini : Nagini!

Voldemort : SSS sha sfhaosd (My Lord!)

RemusTonks : Nymphadora, I love you...

NymphadoraLupin : Same Here!

RoseMalfoy : Scorpius!!

ScorpiusWeasley : Rose!

Random Facebook User : Harry Potter!

HarryWeasley : WTF?!

RonaldGranger : Forever Alone...

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