Chapter Six-Ten | H28

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Disclaimer: This is not my work! Credits goes to H28/Hannah


I managed to avoid the pressing questions from my Mother about my appearance. Calling out that I was home before scrabbling up the stairs to my room where I could hide. When she asked me about the date the next morning I wasn’t very forth coming with information. I didn’t particularly want to discuss the evening where I escaped out a toilet window, was chased down by my “date” then fell into the harbour. I’m not sure she would understand seen as she had a perfect image of Harry in her head.


“Excuse me?”

“Hi, can I help you?” I smiled at the woman in front of me.

“Yes, I was looking for the new McFly album. My daughter loves them and I wanted to get it for her Birthday.”

“Of course, follow me.”

I led her down the aisles of music before stopping at the “M” section. My fingers quickly flicked through the CDs before pulling out the case.

“Here you go.” I smiled. “It’s a brilliant album, your daughter will love it.”

“Thank you for your help.”

She reciprocated my smile before walking off to the till. My mind wandered aimlessly as I organised the music that had been misplaced. I pushed my hair back from my face, tucking it behind my ear. My eyes darted up as I heard someone enter the shop. They instantly widened as I recognised the dark curls.

My immediate reaction was to hide. I dropped to my hands and knees, crawling along the aisle desperately trying to reach the back room without being noticed. How did he even know I worked here? I peered round the corner, deciding the coast was clear I continued to my target.

“Bo ?”

I mentally cursed as I heard Steve call out my name. No, no, no! My speed increased as I gradually neared my escape. A gasp was released from my lips as a pair of white converse stepped in front of me. My eyes hesitantly grazed up his long legs before I was met by sparkly green orbs. He grinned down at me revealing his deep dimples.

“Hello, Beautiful.”

Harry gripped my arms before hauling me to my feet. I shied away from his touch, long fingers brushing my hair from my face.

“What were you doing on the floor?” He smirked.

“I-I dropped something.”

He chuckled, it was clear he didn’t believe my lie. I was glad we were in a public place, that way Harry was forced to be a little more constrained. However, I knew that sort of thing didn’t really bother him, my mind instantly thinking back to his forward actions in the restaurant.

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