Chapter Twenty One - Twenty Five | H28

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Disclaimer: This is not my work! Credits goes to H28/Hannah

Chapter Twenty One

“Harry?!” A squeaky voice echoed.

He spun round, taking me with him as we watched a busty red-head near closer. Her black dress was tight, leaving little to the imagination. Fiery hair draped over one shoulder.

“Shit.” Harry mumbled under his breath.

He gripped my hand tightly in his. I glanced up at him questionably before the female approached us. Her voice snapping my vision back to her.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s you.” She gushed.

My eyes took in her appearance, heavy make-up, large earrings. She would have been pretty if it weren’t for the vast amount of cosmetics plastered over her face. I frowned as her hand playfully rested on Harry’s chest as she not-so-subtly pushed her breasts out. There was something telling me she already knew Harry was attending the event. Her acting was quite unconvincing. I couldn’t explain the feeling rushing through me. All I wanted to do was tell her not-so-politely to remove her touch from Harry.

“Hi Kim.” Harry greeted almost pained.

My lips parted slightly in disbelief as I watched her palm slowly slide down his long torso. The unnecessary, lingering touch irritating me. My eyes darted up to Harry, a wincing expression on his face.

“I haven’t seen you in bloody ages, where have you been hiding, gorgeous?” She suggestively asked.

Was I completely invisible to her? I cleared my throat, her sharp eyes then falling on me. A hint of annoyance crossed her features before she spoke.

“Who’s this?”

Harry tugged my body a little closer; his other hand resting on my hip.

“This is Bo. Bo, Kim.” He gestured back and forth.

“Are you two together?”

My eyes widened slightly, she didn’t beat around the bush. Her bluntness throwing me. Before either of us could answer someone called over to Harry. I recognised Sean’s voice as he asked for Harry to meet another one of his friends.

“I,umm…” Harry stuttered.

“Go, I’ll look after her.” Kim instructed.

Thankfully the small scoff I released went unnoticed by Kim who was currently grazing her lustful eyes up and down Harry’s body. I didn’t need anyone to “look after” me. I glanced to his face, his features holding uncertainty. Big green eyes flicked warily from me to Kim.

“Go.” She encouraged.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” He told me before placing a kiss on my cheek.

The smile faded from my face as Harry jogged away and I was left with the red-head. She grabbed my hand, tugging me over to a bench positioned to view the artwork on the walls. Kim immediately dropped the fake act as soon as he was out of hearing range.

“A girl like you shouldn’t get mixed up in someone like Harry…. He’s dangerous.”

I instantly knew she thought I was too innocent for him. I had a feeling Kim believed she was better suited. There was no doubt in my mind that her and Harry had been together. My head turned to look at her.

“He’s not dangerous.”

She scoffed at my reply.

“You obviously haven’t seen him in one of his many fights then.” She mockingly laughed.

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