Chapter Sixteen-Twenty | H28

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Disclaimer: This is not my work! Credits goes to H28/Hannah

Chapter Sixteen

I jolted awake, to the sound of thunder. Bright flashing illuminating the window that had a thin layer of curtain fabric drawn over it. My sudden movement caused something to stir beneath me. Harry. I sighed, relief washing over me, glad to have been woken from the awful dream. The earlier events of the evening replaying in my uneasy mind as I slept.

My body relaxed, reassured of the fact he wasn’t laid motionless in the dark alley, like he had been in my nightmare. I found myself in awe as the angry weather outside continued to provide striking flashes of light. Harry’s beautiful face illuminated for seconds at a time before the room was plunged into gloom again.

Even in the dim light I could see his curls that were sprawled out on the pillow. Long eyelashes rested on the top of his cheeks. My eyes fell to his lips, the bottom one slightly swollen from the beating he had received. It was the most tranquil state I had ever seen him in. He was still apart from the steady movement of his chest and the occasional twitch of his fingers.

My mind wondered back to what he had told me before we fell asleep. My heart ached with the obviously painful memories of his mum and sister. My fingers curiously touched over the warm skin on his stomach that had been revealed by the fallen covers. The touch travelled lightly up his chest, trailing up his neck. My fingertips ghosted over his lips before pushing back some of the curls from his forehead.

He was trying to protect them. His mum’s reaction had torn him up inside, he was desperate to keep them safe, but his violent actions had frightened rather than reassured the women in his life. I could tell Harry couldn’t bear to go through another experience like the one he witnessed with his mum and dad. That’s why he lashed out at his sister’s lover.

I didn’t want to justify the violent behaviour he displayed now, but I could certainly understand it. I began to believe Harry’s actions towards me weren’t something I should be scared of. But he still held that certain intimidating edge. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Harry shot up, the loud weather yanking him from sleep. His hands instantly finding mine, pulling me to his body as he breathed heavily.

“Harry, it’s just thunder.” I whispered, attempting to calm him down.

His arms protectively wrapped round my body. My fingers moved in soothing circles across his bare skin as I gradually felt hismuscles relax.


I squinted slightly at the bright light peeking through the edges of the curtains. Harry was still asleep, mouth slightly agape as his chest rose and fell. I gently pried his strong arms from round my body, shuffling out of the bed. Harry rolled onto his front, face pressed to the pillow as he lightly snored. My hands quietly rooted through my drawers, pulling out clothes for me to change into after my shower.

My head turned, eyes locking on the still sleeping figure in my bed before I shut the door to the bathroom. I washed and changed quickly. I checked my appearance in the refection of the mirror, pushing my long, wet hair back over my shoulders. My fingers gripped the handle to the door, but disappointment grew as my eyes landed on the bed. The sheets were a mess on the mattress. Harry nowhere in sight. He’d left.

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