Sophia's POV.
I get through class, and when the bell rings me and the girl's rush out before anything happens. Next is acting so i go and put my stuff away, i close my locker and head to Eleanor's.
"Hey! you ready for acting?" i nod and we connect opur arms and start skipping to class.
When we get there we see Niall and Louis sitting in one of the seats we drop our arms and i could feel my mouth hanging ope, everyone looks at us while they have smirks on their faces. We close our mouths and start heading to the back of the class ignoring any eye contact. Once were seated the teacher comes in and introduces himself.
"Now we're gonna do Romeo and Juliet for the Christmas holiday act." Everyone groans because we do this every year! litteraly every student knows the script, even if your not in acting!
"Now let's see who's Romeo." He get's a stick from the cup i'm guessing it has our names on it.
"Ah! Mr.Tomlinson, you'll be playing Romeo."
"Yeah Yeah, who's my Juliet?" The teacher rolls his eyes and pulls out a stick and reads the name.
"Your Juliet is Eleanor." Eleanor's eyes look like their about to fall from her socket, while louis is smirking his ass off.
"Sir, i don't want to play Juliet." Eleanor tries to get out of it.
"Sorry Eleanor, you have to. You two might even thank me." He said with a wink.... talk about CREEP!
"Okay pass the books back." We get the books and Louis and Eleanor go to the front of the class.
They start reading then the kissing part comes on. I see Eleanor take a deep breath and starts leaning in he grabs her by the waist and she gasps. He presses his lips to her and everyone stares in shock, if you dropped a pin i swear you could of heard it. They pull away and Louis has a smirk on his face, while Eleanor get's out of his grasp and starts getting mad. Just in a blink of an eye her hand connects with his face hard.
"Um don't thank me." The teacher says
Eleanor glares at him and then skips over to her seat next to me with a smirk on her face, before she sits down.
Louis POV.
"Ah Mr.Tomlinson you'll be playing Romeo." I smirk and say
"Yeah Yeah, who's my Juliet?" He picks a stick out of the cup and says.
" Your Juliet is Eleanor." I get a smirkon my face and look over at her,i see her eyes are ready to fall out of her sockets, then she says
"Sir I don't want to play Juliet."
"Sorry Eleanor, you have to. You two might even thank me." I stiffle a laugh cause he actually thinks that we're gonna end up together!
"Okay pass the books back." The teacher says. Once everyone has a book me and Eleanor stand up and head to the front of the class. We start acting, and can I say she can act so good. On the kissing part it's like she memorized it in a second because she stares into my eyes and says the whole verse perfectly! She starts leaning in, but she's taking to long so i grab her waist and pull her in, she gasps and i add my lips to hers. I smile in the kiss and her lips move in perfect sync with mine. She pulls away and I can't help but smirk, but she looks like she could kill someone. Next thing you know her hand connects to my face.
"Um don't thank me." The teacher says she glares at him, then skips over to her seat.
"You may sit down now Mr. Tomlinson." the teacher says and I realize that I been standing here for 3 minutes I swallow and head to my seat.
"What was that all about?" Niall asks when I'm sitting down.
"N-nothing." he scans my face but I quickly turn away.
Could I...?
No you idiot! you just got caught up in the moment that's all! I tell myself.
I just got caught up in the moment that's all. right?

There isnt just one cinderella tonight
Fiksi Penggemar5 victims. 5 bullies. 1 Halloween. 1 masquerade. 1 night. 5 slippers. 5 runaways. 5 chasers. And 1 huge mystery.