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Mirror, Mirror, go away

I do not like what you display

Reflecting all my insecurities

Illuminating each and every imperfection

Leaving me lost and without direction

It takes one look in the mirror

My dull eyes light with fear

I see things I wish I don't see

Every inch of me exposed

With one glance, I am no longer composed

Mirror, Mirror, dissapear

With you, I see myself way too clear

Everything I've tried to conceal

Crashes down and breaks apart

Sometimes I wish I were blinded

So that everyday, I would not have to be reminded

By the image of myself

Mirror, Mirror, rid them all

Each look I take, I feel my confidence fall

All my flaws, all my scars

Everything is crystal clear

My life, my memories

The stories, the tragedies

The mirror sees it all

Each time I look, I seem so small

So Mirror, Mirror, go away

There is no reason for you to stay

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