Chapter 11: the rememberance

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Percy's P.O.V

Today was the day. One month ago I lost everything. I walked towards the flower shop and I picked up some flowers for my deseased friends. I felt the presence of the avengers, but I frankly didn't care by this point. Near the empire state building was a memorial for the 7. On the entry arch, it says in Greek House of Heroes. I slowly walk in and stop at the first grave, Frank's. Hephestus made a stone statue of Frank in a camp Jupiter shirt changing into a bear. I placed one of the flowers at the grave.
"I'm-I'm sorry I failed you Frank. You were one of my best friends when I was at camp Jupiter. I miss you a lot man."
I moved in to the next grave, Hazel's. The statue was of hazel summoning jewels from the earth. "Oh Hazel. I'm so sorry. You were like a sister to me. I miss you a lot." I let the tears run down my face and placed another flower in her grave.
Next was Jason's. His statue was of him flying and summoning a lightning bolt. "Jason" my voice cracked. "I am so sorry I failed you. You were like a brother to me. I miss you, blonde superman," I placed a flower on his grave.
Now it was piper's grave. She was holding Katorptis in defensive position and a dove was resting on her shoulder. "Piper, gods I'm sorry. You were like a sister to me. You were the greatest child of Aphrodite I knew. Just like Selena, you died a heroic death." I placed a flower on her grave.
Next was Leo. He was flying in Festus and had his hand on fire. "L-leo. I'm so sorry man. I didn't get you to calypso, but she's free Now. She misses you so much, just like me. I could totally use one of your jokes right now man." I placed another flower on another grave.
Last but not least, was my wise girls grave. Her statue was her holding the new York yankees hat, about to put it on. This is when I lost it. "Annabeth," I sobbed, hugging the statue, "I miss you so much, why did you leave me?" I hugged the statue and kept crying. I then tried to toy with statue annabeths hair, but it wasn't the same. "If I was only stronger... Faster... I could have saved you. I could have saved everyone!"

I felt the avengers and fury behined me. "Today is the one month " annaversiry since the war with Gaia." I said, sobbing. "I'm going to avenge their deaths, that's why I'm joining your team, fury."
Fury outstretched his hand, "welcome to the avengers, Percy."

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