Chapter two:Weird things happen

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[Ramie's POV]

We walked into the mall full of excitement..making squeaky noises,gasping at everything we saw..It was like mini heaven with a lot of weird the dude we saw at the entrance holding a pink balloon and smiling his face of... :/

I wanted to buy everything I saw and touched..then I remembered where my family was and what I was shopping for...darn 😒

"Pink or green" Eileen asked holding up two sleeveless cropped blouses

"Both" I said not even interested...I was starving and the gum wasn't even helping..

"Girl...get serious..The green goes great with my eyes..,but the pink is flawless" She said looking at the tops with so much lust..yes lust

''Did you ever hear Joan Rivers say green goes great with brown??" I asked

"I don't know...why?" She asked examining the tops

"Girl look....choose the pink and let's get out of here...I'm starving" I cried out...six hours of shopping is just a pain in the arse...

"Told you not to buy the gum" she said rolling her eyes..

"I'll just have a burger and large fries.." I said to the waiter who was busily checking Eileen out..Kojo always hit them hard when they checked me out to..I so don't miss him

"Did you hear what I said??" I asked to be sure

"Uh...yea...Two burgers and fries for you and the pretty lady" he said writing it down...Oh...he just didn't

"Large fries...." I corrected him

"Yea..,Large..,sorry...coming right up" he gave a smile before he left...Idiot boy..

"He called you ugl...''

"Don't push it sister'' I cut her off... "He's just lucky I have Jesus" I said filing my nails..

"AMEENN!!!!" Eileen shouted making both of us burst into laughter

"He does does have a fine arse tho" she said picking up her phone... O.o

"You dirty little girl" I said not even trying to imagine how his arse would have looked

"Could you please pick the piece of paper under your seat for me" some random guy said sounding so high..we were done with our meal but how to get up and leave was a problem..the laziness was so real man

"Thanks" the boy said when I handed him the paper...he looked goth,high and abnormal........and deformed

"OMG...did you guys just talk to Daven?? A girl with pink and black braids asked coming out of no where with some other girl

"Um the Guy who asked for his paper??'' Eileen asked..

"Yes...him" she answered

"Yea we did..why?" I one asked her to take a seat and she to us..Basic human beings 😒

"He is a part of the the hottest high school band in existence" she said almost freaking out...So how is this information supposed to stop global warming??

"Yea...what she said" the other girl continued...she had braces on and when she spoke...the spit rained on us ...

"Excuse my manners...I'm Bella and this is Bridge...Bridgette is too long" Bella said like we cared.....Basic Basic Basic

"You know,I can speak for my self right?" The bridge girl snapped

" the spit" Eileen cried out cleaning her hand...ewwww man =(

We spoke...wait...Bella spoke..telling us about uncalled and weird stories about her life..we didn't give two sugar cubes.we just sat there..chewing gum and playing games..pretending to listen....

"Look Bella,it's getting late..we have school tomorrow...we just did a whole lot of shopping and we are bye bye" Eileen said picking up her bags...I did same...I wanted to leave so bad..

"Oh wait..what school are you guys in..we are in Queens high" she asked...OMG did she say Queens?? Eileen and I exchanged looks..

"We don't go to school" we said simultaneously

"But you just..."

"She lied" I interrupted Bridge

"Oh!! It's okay...I mean we are friends now so..''.....Pause! Did she just say friends?? Like who wants to be friends with her?? She's got greasy jaws...talking about nothing but her life...Nooo boo boo...we are not friends!! Bye!

"Uh K" Eileen said before heading for the door

[Eileen's POV]

I swear I wanted to shut her up with my fist....Jeez....never met anyone so irritating in my life...I mean seriously...they looked like they didn't have friends and I see why..I mean she even spoke about her exes...who the fish bone wants to know about the boys you dated...basic offspring 😒

"Going to take a shower should stop thinking about Bella now" Ramie said removing her clothes....

"Damn she pissed me of really bad.." I groaned

"I noticed...I wanted to laugh but you looked so serious.." She said wrapping the towel around her body

"Yea..." I said as I watched her walk to the bath house...

We were in bed now and all I could think of was school...Ramie and I had been home schooled since forever...we didn't know what it felt like to be in a class full of students and stuff like that....looked fun in the movies tho

"Hey Eil" I heard Ramies sleepy voice say


"Do you think school will be exactly how it looks in the movies" she asked...I wasn't worried until she asked that...what if it wasn't like the movies...what if it was much much better...or waaaayyy worse...WHAT IF....

"I don't know...but I hope so"

"Do you think we will fit in?? What if we over dress..what if we under dress...What if....."

"Calm down Ramie...I'm sure we in fine" I said not so sure..

"Bullies...what about them?" She asked panicking a little...o shoot...I didn't think of I'm scared...oh Jesus =(

"Let's just wait and see" was all I said before sleep took over

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