Chapter Three: The Beginning

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“After my journey to see the Guru, may I return to live here.” Lanah asked after some moments. The Monastery was a home to her. She loved this place; the people.


“Once you have received your answers from the Guru, you may return and live with us.” Elder Tarnash agreed.


“Thank you. May I keep these papers?”


“Of course you can My Dear.” Elder Sahila answered. Lanah nodded in appreciation and left. She needed to be alone to think.


She found herself in the empty courtyard. Why would her father send her to the Guru? What help can he be? She frequently had nightmares about her past and being away from the desert terrified her. Lots of water resided in the mountains and forests and she couldn't risk being near anyplace that had large amounts of water. It was too dangerous for her but what choice did she have? Her father put it in his will to have her seek the Guru and the Monastery would be obligated to at least see her leave the desert and Raneil and his group would be informed that she would be traveling with them. Trapped.


“Lanah?” Lanah looked up from the papers to stare into Kaal's eyes.


“Kaal. Are you not eating?” Lanah asked.


“I did. Thought I would take a stroll when I saw you sitting by yourself. Is everything all right?” Kaal asked, seeing the stressed look on Lanah's face.


“I'm being sent away in a quest to journey to the Guru.” She admitted.


“Why?” Lanah handed him the papers so he could read them for himself.


“Are you traveling alone?” He asked after a moment or two.


“No. I will be traveling with the strangers. Those that seek Princess Kiasha.”


“Do you know anything about Princess Kiasha. I've never heard of her before.” Kaal commented.


“You should ask our guests since they are the ones looking for her.” Lanah directed, hoping he refrained from continuing to ask questions. The less she said, the better off she will be. However, she couldn't help but be curious about the news from King Ichion's kingdom and about Princess Kiasha. Why was he seeking her now? Why didn't he seek her when she first disappeared? All Lanah knew was to protect Princess Kiasha and try to keep her hidden from prying eyes.


On the eve of her departure, Lanah finished packing her saddlebags and deposited them at the stable for the stable-hands. She walked up to Janja and greeted her with a rare apple. Janja munched on the treat while Lanah stroked her neck absent mindedly.


“Greetings.” Lanah looked up and saw Raneil standing a few feet from her. “Are you prepared for tomorrow.”


“I am.” Lanah simply stated.


“Elder Tarnash said that the best place to find Princess Kiasha is by seeking the Guru.” Lanah turned sharply and starred at him.

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