Chapter 18

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Well I finally made it, “GRADS!” I smiled and walked on as my name was called. I had waited so long for this day to come and now it was finally here. I shook my professor’s hand and stared out at the audience, mom was yelling and dad whistling. I blushed and then walked down the steps towards my seat. It was a teary moment and a happy one too although I could not help but think that the moment might have been perfect if someone else was here. The service was long as usual and it did not even start on time, typical. Afterwards there was a lunch and then mom and dad took me for a drive to celebrate. They were so happy seeing them made me feel warm inside.


                Some days later


                I sighed as I threw in the last of my clothes in a box. Today I was moving back home and hopefully a job. Mom and dad were already loading up my stuff in the car. I pushed the box’s lid closed and then sat down on my mattress. My eyes roved around the room and then settled on the empty bed across from me. Nina had already left two days ago. I would miss her but I would also miss this room. I mean this is where everything happened, my eyes found the desk where I studied, ate and read. I looked at the door and my eyes froze. There I had left for classes, a party I would never forget and also it was where I had said goodbye. My eyes found my phone and I smiled. Isacc and I had kept in contact and it seemed weird at first until I got to know him. I never thought I’d see him the same way again after the night at the party. He became something like a hero to me. I smiled and looked away. Maxine never showed up at my door after that party in fact I hardly ever saw her even at Grad’s she was not there. I glanced up as the door opened and smiled as mom entered.

                “Ready,” she said more excited than me and for who knew what reason. I nodded. “I’ll miss this place,” I said. She scoffed. “You said the same thing when you left home just wait till we get back,” I smiled. She sat down next to me and I leaned into her.  Everything is packed just this last box,” I said. Dad entered and then a broad smile flashed across his face. “Should I bring back the boxes because you two seem to be getting a bit too comfortable now,” he said. I smiled but got up. Mom got beside me and then dad took up the box. “Goodbye,” I thought as I followed them out to the car. The drive home was mostly silent with mom talking here and there trying to fill in the silence. I snuggled into the seat and smiled. “I had finally accomplished what I wanted to do.

The first thing I did when the car stopped was to run out and rush for the door. There was a pile of envelopes in front and as soon as I saw them my eyes were drawn to the name emblazoned across an intricately embellished one. I snatched it up and quickly opened the door. I rushed inside and looked around; everything was exactly as I had left it. I practically sprinted upstairs and threw open my bedroom door. My bed was neatly made and everything seemed to be in order. “This was definitely not how I left it,” I thought. I plopped down on my bed and then looked at the envelope in my hands. They were shaking now just holding it. The envelope was a work of art, beautiful gold lettering raced across the front spelling out: To Amy Peters and Family with my address and then further down inked in were the words Isacc Joseph. I wondered what it was, a congratulatory note for finishing college. I shook my head and tote at the top. One thing I did not was his fine taste in stationery. The top came off and I pulled out a card also emblazoned in gold. There was a picture of two hands holding each other. A shiver crept up my spine and I blushed. “Since when did he send things like this,” I thought.

                I opened the card and my eyes widened. “No how could this be!” I thought. My eyes scanned the lines over and over again until I threw it aside in shock. When I thought I regained my composure I reached for it and the read it again.

It read************************************************************************

Mr. Isacc Joseph of Maryton would like to personally invite you to the wedding of Mr. Joseph to Sarah Phillips of Maryton. The wedding will be held on the 26th of September, 2013 at Mr. Joseph’s residence……………………………….

Those were the words before everything became a blur. I opened my draw and stuffed it there. There were footsteps on the steps. I looked at my door and then rushed for the bathroom. “Amy!” My mom called. I sighed and then answered. “I’ll meet you downstairs in a bit,” I said. Her footsteps receded and I sank down against the door, teardrops already racing down my cheeks. I hugged my knees and let them flow.

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