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Honesty Time.

Elliet. You mean so much, more than anything you'll ever know. My relationship, my relationship with Sophia is anything but healthy. I'm sorry sophia, I love you and all but you honestly fucked me up. My confidence gone, my cockiness gone. Everything I use to be, gone.
Elliet, you are my only escape, my only chance of being me again. You give me my confidence back, you bring back the Ecstasy I use to be.
For some reason, you don't it, every single time, but I guess that's okay.
You think I should be in a relationship were I continously get fucked over and that's fine. I'm use to it by now, I juts really need you to know that you mean a lot and you help me through so much, and I love you, for who you are and what you were transforming me to be.

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