Juku Ren

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(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name

Your POV

Today is my first day at Akademi High. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I'm a new student, so I hope I meet nice people.


Here goes nothing.

"Hello! Why haven't I seen you around before? Are you new?" A girl with green hair said smiling.

"Yeah! I'm a new student! I'm (y/n) (l/n)!" I said cheerfully.

"Hi (y/n)! I'm Midori Gurin! Nice to meet you! Come, I'll introduce you to my friends" she said.

Omg, new friend! Yay! Her name is Midori! I forgot her last name...is it uh....GURINU?


Then Midori dragged me then we're at the rooftop.

"Guys! I made a friend! She's new here." Midori yelled.

"Alright, alright, girl. Calm down." The purple haired girl said to Midori.

"Hi! I'm Sakyu Basu. This is my little sister, Inkyu Basu
" she continued.

"Nice to meet you Basu Sisters. I'm (y/n) (l/n)!" I said.

"Hey Midori, why don't you bring (y/n) to the social butterflies in the courtyard?" Inkyu suggested.

"That's a great idea, Inkyu!"
Midori nodded.

"Come on (y/n), TO THE COURTYARD!" Midori yelled.

Then she dragged me down the stairs until we reached this beautiful place.

"Welcome to our amazing courtyard!" Midori said cheerfully.

Then we walked towards the girl group in the left.

"Hey Midori!" The green haired girl said. Is this her sister?

"Hi butterflies! This is (y/n)." Midori said.

"Hi!" I said.

"Hi I'm Koharu Hinata!"

"I'm Kokona Haruka!"

"Saki Miyu here!"

"I'm Mei Mio."

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