Amao Odayaka

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Y/n passed by the cooking club room and she smelled the aroma of blueberry cheesecake...

[sorry if u hate blueberry cheesecake]

This is her favorite cake, she can't resist but she went inside the cooking club room...there she found a brown haired boy decorating the cake...

"Hey!" The boy greeted y/n.

"What brings you here, miss?" He asked her... She looked at the boy. She thought he was perfect...

"Miss, you are very beautiful...I wouldn't mind cooking for you everyday." He said to her while walking towards.

"Oh um...sorry for trespassing but...would you mind if I...uh..." She said shyly.

"NO of course not. You can totally taste my blueberry cheesecake!"
He said as he handed her a slice of cake.
"Here. I hope you like it~"
As she ate the cake, her eyes widened...

It was perfect... It's so good...

"Is it not good?" He asked the shocked girl.
Y/n saw Amao's name tag then she said...
"Amao Odayaka, I think I love you."

"THAT FAST?! Is my blueberry cheesecake that good?!"

Y/n nodded as she finished her slice of cake.

"That is how we met, Amai." Y/n said to her 4 year old daughter, Amai.

"Wow! Dad's blueberry cheesecake was that good to make you love him~" Amai is amazed at the story of her mom and dad.

Y/n hugged her daughter tightly.

"Mom, I want to be a baker like dad!" Amai exclaimed.

"Did I hear right? My little girl wants to be a baker? Like me?" Amao asked as he carried his daughter.

Amao hugged her little girl and pulled y/n for a group hug.

"Why don't we practice now?" Amao is excited to teach Amai how to bake or cook.


While waiting for the cake to be baked. Amao attacked Y/n with flour and Y/n attacked Amai. They were playing and the kitchen is a mess...Later on, they noticed that Amai is breathing abnormally. Y/n and Amao panicked and quickly brought Amai to the nearest hospital.

After a few hours y/n and amao's neighbor called,

Y/n: hello?
Midori: Hello y/n?
Y/n: hi Midori! Is something wrong?
Y/n: WHAT?!?!

-the end-

sorry for the short update!

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