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So, hello.

I am the author of this oneshots book. I have started writing this book from 4 or 5 years ago.
I was very different at that time, I was growing, I was interested in a lot of things like Yandere Simulator.

By late 2015 or 2016, Yandere Simulator was a hot topic. A lot of gamers on YouTube play it, it was awesome, the game was improving and getting better every updates, it was hyping us all up.

Every update excites us all, and there's this one YouTuber who caught my attention (and I wrote a chapter about him), Jay from The Kubz Scouts.
Every update of the game he would upload a video about it, exploring the game and he created a myth series, it was VERY entertaining, those days were amazing.

That was also the time when I got interested in reading so I decided to try writing my own stories.

I decided to take on this Yandere Simulator since a lot of people like it then maybe you guys would like it too, I was right. It got a lot of reads and votes, i was overwhelmed even right now I'm still overwhelmed by your support and the comments. It has been up for YEARS.

So timeskip to today, 2020. I've grown, I've changed a lot. My interests and hobbies changed. I am now going to college.

Let's talk about the game.
I will be real with you guys.
I am not interested in the game anymore.
I just feel like YanDev goes on with a cycle, he releases an update but like, everything just feels the same every after update.
I miss the old characters.
I miss the old school.

I'm not saying that it's easy to develop a game. It's just, as a player of the game, as someone who supported the game since 2015 or 2016, it's just... It's not exciting me anymore like before, maybe I just changed or something but... Even Jay doesn't upload YanSim videos that much anymore.

Not to sound depressing but honestly, I feel like my death would come first before YanDev finishes the game (no rush, no hate, just honest opinion).

The reason why I stopped updating is because I don't really write that much anymore. It is not my hobby anymore. I am now more on to photography, fashion, anime, makeup and other videogames as well. The game doesn't excite me anymore.
I don't have enough background knowledge about the game anymore. I don't even know who are the new characters are.

I really love this book, this has a sentimental value to me, and I love all those people who supported me. Lastly, I love all of you who still keeps on reading this book.

I am not saying that I will completely  abandon this book, I just won't update.
I will focus on my current hobbies first.
Perhaps if the game catches my attention again, maybe I'll start writing again.

I wanna apologize to those people that I didn't grant their requests, you know the reason, I explained, I hope you understand.

I wanna thank all the people who supported this book so much. I never imagined it would reach this number of reads.

And for you who still reads this and commenting/voting, thanks... A lot. I appreciate it so much. I'm sorry.

Let's stay connected maybe we have the same interests, connect with me on twitter my username is @misuosha.

Thank you for reading this. See you again soon. ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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