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Sarah's P.O.V.

What in the world is she talking about? Something stupid? But she ended our mind conversation before I could ask. That's when I noticed that she was starting to walk away. I went to grab her but she was too far away.

"Where are you going?" I whisper-yelled. She wasn't headed back to the cave she was walking towards their camp. Right towards a blonde guy. Is she an idiot?!?! Something stupid... She was going to fight him.

The guy finally noticed her and she kept walking towards him. She took off her helmet with one hand and threw it on the ground. She has her symbol! An infinity sign! I noticed it as she took her helmet off, but her hair was covering it now.

The guy had a confused look on his face. He was walking closer and took out his sword. Aj did the same. They met a good fifty feet away and stared at each other.

He made the first move he swung his sword towards her hip. She dodged it... what is she doing? David taught us how to fight and Aj was one of the best. They kept fighting he kept making amateur mistakes and she kept ignoring them. She was losing on purpose!

Aj's P.O.V.

This was hard! Pretending to be bad at fighting. I mean he wasn't awful, but I could have killed him within a few moves. He finally backed me into a building. He grabbed my sword and held his sword at my neck.

"Your the princess." He said surprised.

"It took you that long to figure out." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Lets take a walk." He said as he grabbed my arm. He pulled me to the front of the building "Hey Harry. I have someone you might want to meet." Harry? I really hope it's not the same one.

"What is it Niall? I'm a little busy trying to win the war." He said slightly agitated as he walked through the wall next to the door. He just walked through the wall. Well that explains how he got in my room.

He was looking at a paper in his hands. Then he looked at the blonde guy who's name I found out is Niall. Then he saw me. To say he looked shocked was an understatement. He was left completely speechless. Good. I might as well read his mind since he's not saying anything.

~In Harry's Mind~

What the? Why is she here? How did she get caught? What do I do now?

~Back to Aj's P.O.V.~

That just kept repeating over and over in his mind along with the memories from that night we were together.

"I'll let you do the honors." Niall said tossing him the sword. He caught it with ease but he looked panicked. Why I have no idea, but he did. By now there was a huge circle of people surrounding us. Perfect this is just what I need. A big group of people.

*I don't want to do this.*

How did he know he could send messages to me? Only my father and the girls knew that. I just kept staring at him. Niall had let go and backed into the crowd around us. Harry pushed down on my shoulder so I was kneeling. He grabbed a handful of hair in his hand and pulled back on the sword with his other hand.

Louis' P.O.V.

There was a big circle in front of Harry's room/office. I wanted to see what was going on so I pushed my way to the front. I saw Harry pushing on a girl's shoulder so she was kneeling. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it so he would have a clear shot to her neck.

That's when I saw her symbol. An infinity sign! Wait a minute! That's the same symbol Harry has. If he kills her, he would kill his mate! If his mate died he would die too.

I've got to stop him!!!

"Harry! Wait!" I said as I ran forward, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. He let go off her hair and almost dropped the sword.

"What?" He asked. I went up and whispered in his ear.

"She has your symbol."

Harry's P.O.V.

"She has you symbol." Louis whispered. That's not possible! I mean we are from two different countries. There is no way her symbol is an infinity sign. I walked over and moved the hair away from her ear. Lou was right! She does have an infinity sign.

She still hadn't moved from the kneeling position I had put her in. She looked like she was focusing on something.

"All right everyone break it up. The princess and I have some things to discuss." I went to grab her hand and suddenly I was surrounded in a thick cloud of smoke.

Aj's P.O.V.

*Sarah be ready I'm about to create your distraction. *

"Harry! Wait!" A guy ran up and pulled him away. Harry let go of my Harry and was talking to the guy. He came over and looked at my symbol. I wonder what it is. Oh right I have to focus.

"All right everyone break it up. The princess and I have some things to discuss." There is no way I'm talking to him. I need to do this now before the crowd leaves. I hit the button on my bracelet and suddenly I was surrounded by thick white smoke.

*Go now!* What about you? *I'll be fine just go!*

I ran forward until I found the building that Harry came out of. I don't know what it is but it's better than being out in the open. I opened the door and walked in. There was no one in here but that doesn't mean that someone won't come in. I need to find a place to hide and quick.

There isn't much room in here but I should be able to hide under that bed in the corner. I carefully crawled under and covered myself when I heard the door open.

"What the hell was that?!?!" It sound like Harry and he did NOT sound happy. "Where is she? Find her! And bring her back here alive." The door opened and closed again. But I still could hear breathing. Someone was still in here.

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