The Truth

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Harry's P.O.V.

My eyes were turning red. My fangs were growing but I wasn't in control of it. This is only supposed to happen when I'm angry or hungry; I'm not either of those right now.

"What's going on?" I yelled as I tried to control myself. I looked up at her father. He looked at me confused then its like everything suddenly made sense.

"We need to go." He said as he left the room. The girls followed quickly, but the boys waited for my command. I stood up and ran to follow him.

Once I caught up I asked again. "Will you please tell me what's happening?" He paused and looked at me.

"You've already found out that you can feel her pain, but you can also feel her emotions. Right now she's angry, that's why your eyes are red and your fangs are out. She doesn't get angry easily. We need to find out why she's angry now."

"Is that why the one girl ran out?" Liam asked.

"It could be. I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out." He said as we followed him through the garden.

We came to the edge of the garden and he stopped. He looked around, but he didn't move for a second. He turned to me. "I don't know where she is. She told me that she walked through the garden and through these trees. But her thoughts stopped after that. Harry, you can find her though."


"The two of you are connected. If you can focus on her, your connection will lead you right to her."

"How do you know?"

"I've had to use the connection before, but if we don't hurry we could be to late." A look of pain came over his face as he said this.

I closed my eyes and pictured her inside my head. Every little thing I could think of, from the first time I saw her to the last time.

I opened my eyes. "It's not working." I said turning to her father, but he just shook his head.

"Look around you." I did and my eyes widened. We weren't in the garden anymore. We in front of a little cottage in the middle of the woods. I turned around and saw the boys running out through the trees looking breathless.

"What the heck was that?" Louis asked putting his hands on his knees. "I've never seen you run like that Harry! Its like you were in your own little world."

"Take another step and I swear I will kill you!" It was coming from behind the house. She was behind the house! I ran behind the house and I saw her facing Jason holding something wrapped in a blanket.

"Jason! What's going on? Why do you have Conner?" Who is Conner? I took another look at Aj. Her fangs were on full display and her eyes were the darkest shade of red I've ever seen. She kept looking at the bundle in Jason's arms and then back at Jason.

"There are some things you don't know about me your majesty. Your wife was supposed to be mine. She was supposed to have my symbol, but her parents found out that she had the same marking as you. It didn't matter! She was yours now! I was in love with her! But because of you we couldn't be together!" With every sentence he was getting louder and louder.

"So I decided that if I couldn't have her I would take the next best thing." He said sending a sinister smile at Aj. She just growled in return. "But Rachel got in the way! I never meant to kill her. I just wanted to make you suffer!"

"You're the one who killed Rachel?" The king asked in disbelief. "You're the one who took my wife away!" Jason stepped back at the kings sudden rage.

"Yes. I did. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. I just wanted you two to suffer like I did! I wanted you two to know what it felt like to lose someone you love!" He took another step closer to the fire. "I'll do it Aj. I've got nothing more to lose. Come with me and I'll let Conner go."

Her eyes flashed to her father and then she saw me standing next to me. She and her father had a silent conversation and then she looked at Jason.

"How do I know you won't hurt Conner even if I come with you?"

"I'll put him right here on the ground. After we leave they can come get him."

"Fine. Please just put him down."

"No!" I said stepping in front of her. "Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." Jason replied.

"Harry stop. You don't understand."

"I understand everything perfectly. He's trying to take you away from me again." I said still facing Jason.

"No. You don't. He's holding our baby."

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